Søk: '2500 solved problems in fluid mechanics and hydraulics'
Engineering Mechanics Statics SI
ISBN 9789810681340 , 2010 , Russell C. Hibbeler
Macroeconomics: Principles, Problems, and Policies
ISBN 9780073273082 , 2006 , Campbell R. McConnell, Stanley L. Brue
Microeconomics: Principles, Problems, and Policies
ISBN 9780073273099 , 2006 , Campbell R. McConnell, Stanley L. Brue
Major problems in American foreign relations: documents and essays
ISBN 9780395938850 , 2000 , Thomas G. Paterson, Dennis Merrill
Fundamentals of Urine and Body Fluid Analysis
ISBN 9780721601786 , 2004 , Nancy A. Brunzel
Singular Perturbation Problems in Chemical Physics
ISBN 9780471115311 , 1997 , John J. H. Miller
Social Problems
ISBN 9780132448451 , 2008 , Harold R. Kerbo, James W. Coleman
ISBN 9789810694364
A First Course in Mechanics
ISBN 9780198534334 , 1991 , Mary Lunn
Engineering Mechanics: Statics and Dynamics
ISBN 9780077302009 , 2009 , Michael E. Plesha, Gary Gray, Francesco Costanzo
Environmental problems and human behavior
ISBN 9780536686336 , 2002 , Gerald T. Gardner, Paul C. Stern
Social Problems
ISBN 9780132433396 , 2007 , John J. Macionis
Statics and Mechanics of Materials
ISBN 9780131911604 , 2004 , Russell Charles Hibbeler
Adaptive Finite Elements in Linear and Nonlinear Solid and Structural Mechanics
ISBN 9783211269756 , 2005 , Erwin Stein
Quantum Mechanics and Experience
ISBN 9780674741133 , 1994 , David Z. Albert
Statics and Mechanics of Materials
ISBN 9780130281272 , 2004 , Russell C Hibbeler
Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics in SI Units Pack
ISBN 9789810681395 , 2009 , Russell C. Hibbeler
Engineering Mechanics: Statics ; Statics Study Pack ; Chapter Reviews, Free Body Diagram Workbook, Problems Website
ISBN 9780131271449 , 2004 , Peter Schiavone, Russell Charles Hibbeler
Gamification by Design: Implementing Game Mechanics in Web and Mobile Apps
ISBN 9781449397678 , 2011
Helm-Lorek Supermodels in Quantum Mechanics
ISBN 9783832222079 , 2003 , Andreas Ruffing
Continuum Mechanics
ISBN 9783540742975 , 2007 , Fridtjov Irgens
Macroeconomics: Principles, Problems, and Policies
ISBN 9780072498516 , 2001 , Campbell R. McConnell, Stanley L. Brue
Engineering Mechanics: Statics
ISBN 9780132038133 , 2007 , R. C. Hibbeler
Group Theory and Quantum Mechanics
ISBN 9780486432472 , 2004 , Michael Tinkham
Continuum Mechanics
ISBN 9783642093661 , 2010 , Fridtjov Irgens
Major Problems in American Foreign Relations: Documents and Essays, Concise Edition
ISBN 9780618376391 , 2005 , Thomas G. Paterson, Dennis Merrill
Meriam Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics
ISBN 9781118083451 , 2012 , J. L. Meriam, L. G. Kraige
Governance for Development in Africa: Solving Collective Action Problems
ISBN 9781780325941 , 2013 , David Booth, Diana Cammack
Engineering mechanics
ISBN 9780471266075 , 2003 , J. James L. Meriam, L. L. Glenn Kraige,m.fl.
Molecular Quantum Mechanics
ISBN 9780199541423 , 2010 , Peter W. Atkins, Ronald S. Friedman