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Gosta Rehn, the Swedish Model and Labour Market Policies
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Six Degrees: Our Future on a Hotter Planet
ISBN 9780007209057 , 2008 , Mark Lynas
The use of force: military power and international politics
ISBN 9780847695539 , 1999 , Robert J. Art
Personnel Economics in Imperfect Labour Markets
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International Labour Mobility in Social Work
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Women and Environment in the Third World: Alliance for the Future
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Rethinking Europe's Future
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Herculaneum: Past and Future
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A Scientific Model of History: Where Is the Future Leading Us
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The End of the Euro: The Uneasy Future of the European Union
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Automobile Technology of the Future
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A brief history of the future of libraries: an annotated bibliography
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The Leader of the Future 2: Visions, Strategies, and Practices for the New Era
ISBN 9780787986674 , 2006 , Frances Hesselbein, Marshall Goldsmith,m.fl.
The Political Economy of a Social Europe: Understanding Labour Market Integration in the European Union
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The Mammoth Book of Future Cops
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The Future as Cultural Fact: Essays on the Global Condition
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Learning for Life in the 21st Century: Sociocultural Perspectives on the Future of Education
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Karl Marx and the Future of the Human
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Globalization and the Future of African Languages
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Air war on the edge: a history of the Israeli Air Force and its aircraft since 1947
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Studyguide for Churchill/ Ford... Sales Force Management by Johnston, Mark W., ISBN 9780073529875
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Tools for Thought: The History and Future of Mind-expanding Thechnology
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Building a Better Business: The Key to Future Marketing, Management and Motivation
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Karl Marx and the Future of the Human
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Western Muslims and the Future of Islam
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Foreign Aid and Development: Lessons Learnt and Directions for the Future
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A Biomass Future for the North American Great Plains: Toward Sustainable Land Use and Mitigation of Greenhouse Warming
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