Søk: 'A People's Voice: Black South African Writing in the Twentieth Century'
African Capitalists in African Development
ISBN 9781555874179 , 1993 , Bruce (Bruce J.) Berman, Colin T. Leys
A Pocket Guide to Writing in History
ISBN 9780312535032
Capital in the Twenty-First Century
ISBN 9780674430006 , 2014 , Thomas Piketty
Industrialisation and Trade Union Organization in South Africa, 1924-1955: The Rise and Fall of the South African Trades and Labour Council
ISBN 9780521317580 , 2011 , Jon Lewis
Opening Skinner's box: great psychological experiments of the twentieth century
ISBN 9780393050950 , 2004 , Lauren Slater
Atlantic communications: the media in American and German history from the seventeenth to the twentieth century
ISBN 9781859736791 , 2004 , Norbert Finzsch, Ursula Lehmkuhl
Black Film As a Signifying Practice: Cinema, Narration and the African American Aesthetic Tradition
ISBN 9780865437159 , 2000 , Gladstone L. Yearwood, Gadstone Lloyd Yearwood
African Politics in Comparative Perspective
ISBN 9781107651418 , 2012 , Goran Hyden
People of the Whale: A Novel
ISBN 9780393335347 , 2013 , Linda Hogan
Writing History in the Digital Age
ISBN 9780472052066 , 2013 , Jack Dougherty, Kristen Nawrotzki
The South African tripod: studies on economics, politics, and conflict
ISBN 9789171063410 , 1994 , Bertil Oden, Thomas Ohlson, Alex Davidson,m.fl.
A Structural Analysis of Enslavement in the African Diaspora
ISBN 9780773474512 , 2003 , James L. Conyers
Jews in the South
ISBN 9780807102268 , 1973 , Mary Dale Palsson
Simuleringsspillet BRIEFCASE A/S
ISBN 9788282472036 , 2015 , Pål Berthling-Hansen
Cities of Tomorrow: An Intellectual History of Urban Planning and Design in the Twentieth Century
ISBN 9780631232520 , 2002
A Study of Major Political Thinkers in France from the Seventeenth to the Twentieth Century: From Absolutism to Socialism
ISBN 9780773465299 , 2004 , Nigel Addinall
Africa South of the Sahara: A Geographical Interpretation
ISBN 9781606239926 , 2013 , Robert F. Stock
A History of Writing in Japan
ISBN 9780824822170 , 2000 , Christopher Seeley
Twentieth-century Jewellery: From Art Nouveau to Comtemporary Design in Europe and the United States
ISBN 9788861305328 , 2009
A Dictionary of Twentieth Century Russian and Soviet Painters: 1900-1980s
ISBN 9780953206100 , 1998 , Matthew Cullerne Bown
African American Hair and Its Role in Advertising, Black Women's Careers, and Consumption Behavior
ISBN 9783638655590 , 2007 , Sandra Radtke
On Line: Drawing Through the Twentieth Century ; [publ. in Conjunction with the Exhibition On Line - Drawing Through the Twentieth Century, at the Museum of Modern Art, New York (November 21, 2010 - February 7, 2011)]
ISBN 9780870707827 , 2010 , Cornelia H. Butler, M. Catherine de Zegher
A Latin Girl's Voice Unleashed
ISBN 9781425789770 , 2007 , Ana Jasmine Montes
A Latin Girl's Voice Unleashed
ISBN 9781425789640 , 2007 , Ana Jasmine Montes
South Asian Religions on Display: Religious Processions in South Asia and in the Diaspora
ISBN 9780415544894 , 2009
America's Missión: The United States and the Worldwide Struggle for Democracy in the Twentieth Century
ISBN 9780691044668 , 1994 , Tony Smith
A Legend of Montrose; The Black Dwarf
ISBN 9781110323845 , 2009 , Walter Scott, Sir
A Legend of Montrose; The Black Dwarf
ISBN 9781110323883 , 2009 , Scott Walter
Sinai, Byzantium, Russia: Orthodox art from the sixth to the twentieth century
ISBN 9781903470008 , 2000 , Oriana Baddeley, Earleen Brunner, Yuri Piatnitsky
Analyses of nineteenth- and twentieth-century music, 1940-2000
ISBN 9780810858879 , 2007 , D.J. Hoek