Søk: 'A SAS/IML Companion for Linear Models'
A Concise Companion to Shakespeare on Screen
ISBN 9781405148887 , 2008 , Diana E. Henderson
Metode- og oppgaveskriving for studenter
ISBN 9788205423985 , 2012 , Olav Dalland
A Course in Linear Algebra
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A Course In Linear Algebra
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Linear Systems Theory: A Structural Decomposition Approach
ISBN 9780817637798 , 2004 , Ben M. Chen, Zongli Lin, Yacov Shamash,m.fl.
Student Solution Manual for Elementary Linear Algebra
ISBN 9780132397346 , 2007 , Stephen H. Friedberg, Arnold J. Insel,m.fl.
Elementary Linear Algebra
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Elementary Linear Algebra
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DNA Computing Models
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A Companion to Medieval Arms and Armour a Companion to Medieval Arms and Armour
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A Companion to the Philosophy of Biology
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Linear Functional Analysis
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A Course in Linear Algebra: With Applications
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Practical Financial Optimization: A Library of GAMS Models
ISBN 9781405133715 , 2009 , Stavros A. Zenios, Andrea Consiglio,m.fl.
Multivariate Data Reduction and Discrimination with SAS Software
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Linear Systems Theory
ISBN 9781400831890 , 2009
Differential Equations, Linear Algebra and Its Applications
ISBN 9781780160818 , 2012 , Institutt for Matematiske Fag NTNU
A Concise Companion to Shakespeare on Screen
ISBN 9781405115117 , 2006 , Diana E. Henderson
A Companion to 19th-Century America
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Models of Democracy
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Pocket Companion for Physical Examination and Health Assessment
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Elementary Linear Algebra
ISBN 9780123747518 , 2010 , David Hecker, Stephen Francis Andrilli
Advanced Physical Models for Silicon Device Simulation
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A Companion to the History of the Middle East
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A Step-by-Step Approach to Using the SAS System for Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling
ISBN 9781555446437 , 1994 , Larry Hatcher
Elementary Linear Algebra with Supplemental Applications, 11th Edition, Int
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Linear Algebra with Applications
ISBN 9781292022147 , 2013 , Otto K. Bretscher
Elementary Linear Algebra
ISBN 9780471669609 , 2004 , Howard A. Anton
Elementary Linear Algebra
ISBN 9780495829232 , 2008 , Ron Larson
Studyguide for Elementary Linear Algebra: Applications Version by Howard A. Anton, ISBN 9780471669593
ISBN 9781428837188 , 2009 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews