Søk: 'A history of Middle East economies in the twentieth century'
State, Power & Politics in the Making of the Modern Middle East, 2nd Editio
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Anti-Drug Crusades in Twentieth-Century - China: Nationalism, History and State-Building
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The Great War for civilisation: the conquest of the Middle East
ISBN 9781841150079 , 2005 , Robert Fisk
East Asia: A New History
ISBN 9780321163363 , 2003 , Rhoads Murphey
Anti-drug crusades in twentieth-century China: nationalism, history, and state building
ISBN 9780847695973 , 1999 , Zhou Yongming
Allegories of Violence: Tracing the Writings of War in Late Twentieth-Century Fiction
ISBN 9780415936378 , 2001
Africa and the Africans in the nineteenth century: a turbulent history
ISBN 9780765616975 , 2009 , Catherine Coquery-Vidrovitch, Mary Baker
Africa and the Africans in the nineteenth century: a turbulent history
ISBN 9780765616968 , 2009 , Catherine Coquery-Vidrovitch, Mary Baker
Capitalist Development in the Twentieth Century: An Evolutionary-Keynesian Analysis
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Exchange Rate Regimes and Economic Policy in the Twentieth Century
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The Government And Politics of the Middle East And North Africa
ISBN 9780813343617 , 2007 , David E. Long, Bernard Reich,m.fl.
Europe in the High Middle Ages: The Penguin History of Europe
ISBN 9780140166644 , 2002 , William Chester Jordan
Design Museum Book of Twentieth Century Design
ISBN 9781858687100 , 2004 , Catherine McDermott
Sowing the Wind: The Manipulation of the Middle East, 1900-1960
ISBN 9780719555831 , 2003 , John Keay
Dark Continent: Europe's Twentieth Century
ISBN 9780140241594 , 1999 , Mark Mazower
Aristocracies of fiction: the idea of aristocracy in late-nineteenth-century and early-twentieth-century literary culture
ISBN 9780313316739 , 2001 , Len Platt
Britannia Overruled: British Policy and World Power in the Twentieth Century
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Historiography in the Twentieth Century: From Scientific Objectivity to the Postmodern Challenge
ISBN 9780819567666 , 2005 , Georg G. Iggers
The Economics of Middle East Peace: Views from the Region
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Gospel Bearers, Gender Barriers: Missionary Women in the Twentieth Century
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Dark continent: Europe's twentieth century
ISBN 9780679757047 , 2000 , Mark Mazower
The European Miracle: Environments, Economies and Geopolitics in the History of Europe and Asia
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Captured: A Film/Video History Of The Lower East Side
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Music and Social Movements: Mobilizing Traditions in the Twentieth Century
ISBN 9780521629669 , 1998 , Jeffrey C. Alexander, Steven Seidman,m.fl.
Witchcraft and Magic in Europe, Volume 6: The Twentieth Century
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Nineteenth Century Art: A Critical History
ISBN 9780500289242 , 2011 , Stephen F. Eisenman, Thomas E. Crow
Christian Iconography: Or, the History of Christian Art in the Middle Ages
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Arab Nationalism in the Twentieth Century: From Triumph to Despair
ISBN 9780691102733 , 2003 , Adeed I. Dawisha
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Middle East Conflict
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Studies in tectonic culture: the poetics of construction in nineteenth and twentieth century architecture
ISBN 9780262561495 , 2001 , John Cava, Jacob Aaron Frenkel, Asaf Razîn,m.fl.