Søk: 'Advances in Statistical Modeling and Inference: Essays in Honor of Kjell a Doksum'
Advances in Fatigue Science and Technology
ISBN 9780792301059 , 1989 , C.Moura Branco, L.Guerra Rosa
Advances in Porous Media
ISBN 9780444825001 , 1996 , M. Yavuz Corapcioglu
Advances in Hillslope Processes
ISBN 9780471967743 , 1996 , Malcolm G. Anderson, Sue M. Brooks
Palgrave Advances in Intellectual History
ISBN 9781403939012 , 2006 , Richard Whatmore, Brian Young
Modeling and Interpreting Interactive Hypotheses in Regression Analysis
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War of honor
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Advances in Educational Policy
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Adolescent Coping: Advances in Theory, Research and Practice
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Advances In Environmental Science And Engineering
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Advances in Industrial and Labour Relations
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Advances in Psychological Assessment
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Advances in experimental medicine and biology
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Advances in Industrial and Labour Relations
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Advances in Industrial and Labour Relations
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Advances in Porous Media
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Advances in Radiation Protection
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A Classical mind: essays in honour of C.A.R. Hoare
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Advances in Applied Microeconomics
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A Passion for Difference: Essays in Anthropology and Gender
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Advances in Fracture and Damage Mechanics IV
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Advances in Evolutionary Computing: Theory and Applications
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Karl Pearson: The Scientific Life in a Statistical Age
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Karl Pearson: The Scientific Life in a Statistical Age
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Advances in Wound and Bone Healing, an Issue of Clinics in Podiatric Medicine and Surgery
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Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations: A Research Annual
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The Political Economy of Environment and Development in a Globalised World: Exploring the Frontiers: Essays in Honour of Nadarajah Shanmugaratnam
ISBN 9788251927864 , 2011 , Darley Jose Kjosavik, Paul Vedeld