Søk: 'Aegean Art and Architecture'
Digital Art and Meaning: Reading Kinetic Poetry, Text Machines, Mapping Art, and Interactive Installations
ISBN 9780816667383 , 2011 , Roberto Simanowski
History of the Classical World: A Chronicle of Politics, Battles, Beliefs, Mythology, Art and Architecture, Shown in Over 1700 Photographs and Artworks
ISBN 9780754823667 , 2011 , Lucia Gahlin, Nigel Rodgers, Hazel Dodge
Concert Halls and Opera Houses: Music, Acoustics, and Architecture
ISBN 9780387955247 , 2003 , Leo L. Beranek
Computer Organization and Architecture: Designing for Performance. by William Stallings
ISBN 9780273769194 , 2012 , William Stallings
Distributed Storage Networks: Architecture, Protocols and Management
ISBN 9780470871461 , 2003 , Thomas C. Jepsen
Vision and Art: The Biology of Seeing
ISBN 9780810995543 , 2008 , Margaret Livingstone, David Hubel, Abrams
Zen and the Art of Consciousness
ISBN 9781851687985 , 2011 , Susan Blackmore
Great web architecture
ISBN 9780764532467 , 1999 , Clay Andres
Autodesk Revit Architecture 2013 Essentials
ISBN 9781118244784 , 2012 , James Vandezande, Phil Read
Throughout: Art and Culture Emerging with Ubiquitous Computing
ISBN 9780262017503 , 2012 , Ulrik Ekman
Accessing AutoCAD Architecture 2008
ISBN 9781428311633 , 2008 , William G. Wyatt
Mastering Revit Architecture 2009
ISBN 9780470295281 , 2008 , Eddy Krygiel, Greg Demchak, Tatjana Dzambazova
Computer Organization and Architecture: Designing for Performance: International Version
ISBN 9780135064177 , 2009 , William Stallings, PH.D.
Medieval Art
ISBN 9780192842411 , 2001
Principles of Radiographic Imaging: An Art and A Science, 5th ed.: An Art and a Science
ISBN 9781439058725 , 2012 , 5. utgave , Richard R. Carlton, Arlene McKenna Adler
A History of Architecture: Settings and Rituals
ISBN 9780195083798 , 1995 , Spiro Kostof
Roman Imperial Architecture
ISBN 9780300052923 , 1992 , J.B. Ward-Perkins
Film Art: And Film History
ISBN 9780077116644 , 2006 , David Bordwell
Assembly Language and Computer Architecture Using C++ and Java
ISBN 9780534405274 , 2004 , Anthony J. Dos Reis
Iran.: Features on Trekking, Carpets and Architecture.
ISBN 9780864427564 , 2001 , Paul Greenway, Anthony Ham, David St.Vincent,m.fl.
The Nature and Art of Workmanship
ISBN 9780713689310 , 2007
Archaic and Classical Greek Art
ISBN 9780192842022 , 1998
Art Worlds
ISBN 9780520256361 , 2008 , Howard S. Becker
Gothic: architecture, sculpture, painting
ISBN 9783833151484 , 2007 , Rolf Toman, Achim Bednorz, Christian von Arnim,m.fl.
Modern Architecture: A Critical History
ISBN 9780500203958 , 2007
Roman Art in the Private Sphere: New Perspectives on the Architecture and Decor of the Domus, Villa, and Insula
ISBN 9780472083145 , 1994 , Elaine K. Gazda
The Art and Archaeology of the Greek World
ISBN 9780500051665 , 2012 , Richard T. Neer
Computer organization and architecture: designing for performance
ISBN 9780130812940 , 2000 , William Stallings
Churches in early medieval Ireland: architecture, ritual and memory
ISBN 9780300154443 , 2010
Revit Architecture - på norsk: 2011
ISBN 9788205407350 , 2010 , Odd Sverre Kolstad