Søk: 'Ancestor of the West: Writing, Reasoning, and Religion in Mesopotamia, Elam, and Greece'
East O' the Sun and West O' the Moon
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Critical thinking and reasoning: current research, theory, and practice
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Between Russia and the West: foreign and security policy of independent Ukraine
ISBN 9783906763828 , 1999 , Kurt R. Spillmann, Andreas Wenger, Derek Muller
Canaanite Myth and Hebrew Epic: Essays in the History of the Religion of Israel
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Politics and Religion
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God, Humanity and the Cosmos - 3rd Edition: A Textbook in Science and Religion
ISBN 9780567524676 , 2011 , 3. utgave , Christopher Southgate
Postmodernism, Religion, and the Future of Social Work
ISBN 9780789005168 , 1998 , John T. Pardeck, Roland G. Meinert,m.fl.
Bibliography of Religion in the South
ISBN 9780865541610 , 1985
Early Civilizations of the Old World: The Formative Histories of Egypt, The Levant, Mesopotamia, India and China
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Greece, Turkey, Cyprus: Triangle of Conflict - And Opportunity
ISBN 9780850487121 , 1998 , Richard Buckley
Writing History in the Digital Age
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Creating East and West: Renaissance Humanists and the Ottoman Turks
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Critical Thinking and Reasoning: Current Research, Theory, and Practice
ISBN 9781572734609 , 2002 , Daniel Fasko
Art, Creativity, and the Sacred: An Anthology in Religion and Art
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The archaeology of Greece: an introduction
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Image, eye and art in Calvino: writing visibility
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Creating East and West: Renaissance humanists and the Ottoman Turks
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Gods and ancestors: society and religion among the forest tribes in Madagascar
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Myth into art: poet and painter in classical Greece
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Background of Terror: -Through History and Religion in Short Brief!
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