Søk: 'Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics'
Hydropower Economics
ISBN 9780387730264 , 2007 , Finn R. Førsund
International Economics: Global Edition
ISBN 9780273754091 , 2010 , Paul R. Krugman, Maurice Obstfeld, Marc J. Melit
International Economics
ISBN 9781429231183 , 2011 , Robert C. Feenstra, Alan M. Taylor
Economics MyEconLab
ISBN 9780273754275 , 2011 , Michael Parkin
ISBN 9780764112744 , 2000 , Walter J. Wessels
Development Fieldwork
ISBN 9781446254776 , 2014 , Regina Scheyvens
Economics, governance and law: essays on theory and policy
ISBN 9781840648560 , 2002 , Warren J. Samuels
Economics for Business
ISBN 9780230271715 , 2011 , Howard Vane
ISBN 9780333691830 , 1999 , Howard R. Vane
The Regional World: Territorial Development in a Global Economy
ISBN 9781572302587 , 1997 , Michael Storper
Flammable Societies: Studies on the Socio-Economics of Oil and Gas
ISBN 9780745331171 , 2012 , John-Andrew McNeish, Owen J Logan
ISBN 9780077103675 , 2002 , Rudiger Dornbusch, Stanley Fischer, David Begg
Annual Reports in Medicinal Chemistry
ISBN 9780120405329 , 1997 , David W. Robertson, Annette M. Doherty,m.fl.
Maritime Economics
ISBN 9780415275576 , 2008
Interpreting Late Antiquity: Essays on the Postclassical World
ISBN 9780674005983 , 2001 , Glen Warren Bowersock, Peter Robert Lamont Brown,m.fl.
Constraints on strategy: the economics of Western security
ISBN 9780080331393 , 1986 , David B.H. Denoon
Weaving Services and People on the World Wide Web
ISBN 9783642005695 , 2009 , Irwin King
Environmental Economics
ISBN 9780071326278 , 2012 , Barry C. Field
Dependency and development: an introduction to the Third World
ISBN 9780897893992 , 1995 , Ted C. Lewellen
Dependency and development: an introduction to the Third World
ISBN 9780897894005 , 1995 , Ted C. Lewellen
International economics
ISBN 9780471794684 , 2007 , Dominick Salvatore
ISBN 9780393977806 , 2002 , Joseph E. Stiglitz, Carl Walsh, David D. Gillette
Labor Economics
ISBN 9780262033169 , 2004 , Pierre Cahuc, André Zylberberg
On the move: mobility in the modern Western world
ISBN 9780415952552 , 2006 , Tim Cresswell
On the move: mobility in the modern Western world
ISBN 9780415952569 , 2006 , Tim Cresswell
Transport Economics
ISBN 9781840641912 , 2006 , Kenneth Button
Environmental & Natural Resource Economics
ISBN 9780132843003 , 2011 , 9. utgave , Tom Tietenberg, Lynne Lewis
ISBN 9780070579477 , 1998 , Paul Anthony Samuelson, William D. Nordhaus
Attaining the millennium development goals in India: reducing infant mortality, child malnutrition, gender disparities and hunger-poverty and increasing school enrolment and completion
ISBN 9780195675160 , 2005 , World Bank, Anil B. Deolalikar
World Englishes
ISBN 9781444135374 , 2011 , Gunnel Melchers