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Human Adaptive Strategies: Ecology, Culture and Politics
ISBN 9780205513628 , 2008 , Daniel G. Bates
Before the Voice of Reason: Echoes of Responsibility in Merleau-Ponty's Ecology and Levinas's Ethics
ISBN 9780791475508 , 2009
Conservation Is Our Government Now: The Politics of Ecology in Papua New Guinea
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Wildlife Ecology, Conservation, and Management [With CDROM]
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ICD-10, the ICD-10 Classification of Mental and Behavioural Disorders: Diagnostic Criteria for Research
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Repetition in Arabic Discourse: Paradigms, and the Ecology of Lange
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Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy for ADHD in Adolescents and Adults: A Psychological Guide to Practice
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Visual Perception: Physiology, Psychology, and Ecology
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Redefining Nature: Ecology, Culture and Domestication
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Large Herbivore Ecology, Ecosystem Dynamics and Conservation
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Mixed Effects Models and Extensions in Ecology with R
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Stochastic Population Dynamics in Ecology and Conservation
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Human Adaptive Strategies: Ecology, Culture, and Politics
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Natural Area Tourism: Ecology, Impacts, and Management
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Beyond optimism: a buddhist political ecology
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A People's Ecology: Explorations in Sustainable Living
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The Ecology of Human Development: Experiments by Nature and Design
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Dancing with the Sacred: Evolution, Ecology, and God
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Beyond Leadership: Balancing Economics, Ethics and Ecology
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