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Himalayan Dialogue: Tibetan Lamas and Gurung Shamans in Nepal
ISBN 9780299119843 , 1989 , Stan Royal Mumford
The Aftermath of Art: Ethics, Aesthetics, Politics
ISBN 9780415362313 , 2005 , Donald Preziosi, Joanne Lamoureux, Saul Ostrow
Aesthetics: The Classic Readings
ISBN 9780631195696 , 1997 , David Edward Cooper
The good body
ISBN 9780434013289 , 2004 , Eve Ensler
Television in Scandinavia: History, Politics and Aesthetics
ISBN 9781860205095 , 1996 , Ib Bondebjerg, Francisco Bono
Between China and Europe: person, culture and emotion in Macao
ISBN 9780826457486 , 2002
Aesthetics And Performance: Formations of Symbolic Construction and Experience
ISBN 9781571815675 , 2004 , Bruce Kapferer, Angela Hobart
Vander's Human Physiology: The Mechanisms of Body Function
ISBN 9780071222150 , 2010 , Eric P. Widmaier, Hershel Raff, Kevin T. Strang
The Art of Expressing the Human Body
ISBN 9780804831291 , 1998 , Bruce Lee, John Little
Aesthetics: The Classic Readings
ISBN 9780631195689 , 1997 , David E. Cooper
Medicine as Culture: Illlness, Disease and the Body in Western Societies
ISBN 9780761940302 , 2003 , Deborah Lupton
Martini's: Atlas Of The Human Body
ISBN 9780805372878 , 2006 , Frederic Martini, William C. Ober
Saints, Scholars, and Schizophrenics: Mental Illness in Rural Ireland
ISBN 9780520224803 , 2001 , Nancy Scheper-Hughes
Beyond the mind-body dualism: psychoanalysis and the human body : proceedings of the 6th Delphi International Psychoanalysis Symposium held in Delphi, Greece between 27 and 31 October 2004
ISBN 9780444521644 , 2006
The Body Silent
ISBN 9780393320428 , 2001 , Robert F. Murphy
Listening Through the Noise: The Aesthetics of Experimental Electronic Music
ISBN 9780195387650 , 2010 , Joanna Teresa DeMers
The Body Farm
ISBN 9780751530476 , 2003 , Patricia Cornwell
Cognitive Biases in Anxiety and Depression: Special Issue in Cognition and Emotion
ISBN 9781841699257 , 2002 , Paula Hertel
Interpretive phenomenology: embodiment, caring, and ethics in health and illness
ISBN 9780803957220 , 1994 , Patricia E. Benner
Interpretive Phenomenology: Embodiment, Caring, and Ethics in Health and Illness
ISBN 9780803957237 , 1994 , Patricia E. Benner
Action And Emotion (sec. Edn.)
ISBN 9788175962026 , 2006 , G.R. Malik, A.H. Tak, Mohammad Amin,m.fl.
Culture, Health and Illness 4ed
ISBN 9780750647861 , 2000 , 4. utgave , Cecil Helman
Body Work in Health and Social Care
ISBN 9781444345865 , 2011 , Sarah Nettleton, Julia Twigg, Carol Wolkowitz,m.fl.
Allegories of underdevelopment: aesthetics and politics in modern Brazilian cinema
ISBN 9780816626762 , 1997
Allegories of underdevelopment: aesthetics and politics in modern Brazilian cinema
ISBN 9780816626779 , 1997
Handbook of Emotion Regulation
ISBN 9781462503506 , 2013 , James J. Gross
A centre of wonders: the body in early America
ISBN 9780801436017 , 2001 , Janet Moore Lindman, Michele Lise Tarter
A Centre of Wonders: The Body in Early America
ISBN 9780801487392 , 2001 , Janet Moore Lindman, Michele Lise Tarter
Introduction to the Human Body, Illustrated Notebook: The Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology
ISBN 9780471761044 , 2006 , Gerard J. Tortora, Bryan H. Derrickson
Health, Illness and Culture: Broken Narratives
ISBN 9780415988742 , 2008 , Jens Brockmeier, Lars-Christer HydÊn