Søk: 'Carl Schmitt and Authorian Liberalism: Strong State, Free Economy'
Geometric Estimation with Local Affine Frames and Free-form Surfaces
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Power and Plenty: Trade, War, and the World Economy in the Second Millennium
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Chinese Religiosities: Afflictions of Modernity and State Formation
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Concurrency: State Models and Java Programs, 2nd Edition
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New York State
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Cultural economy: cultural analysis and commercial life
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Cultural Economy: Cultural Analysis and Commercial Life
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Knowledge, Space, Economy
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Knowledge, Space, Economy
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Economy/Society: Markets, Meanings, and Social Structure
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The Global Political Economy: Evolution and Dynamics
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State of Fear
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Global Political Economy, Second Edition: Evolution and Dynamics
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Advanced Introduction to International Political Economy
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Constructing the International Economy
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Altered state?: writing and South Africa
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Illegal Drugs, Economy and Society in the Andes
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The European Economy Since 1945: Coordinated Capitalism and Beyond
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Man, the State and War: A Theoretical Analysis
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Brawn: Bodybuilding for the Drug-Free and Genetically Typical
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