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A short introduction to the history of the United Kingdom
ISBN 9788245003857 , 2006 , Jan Erik Mustad, Ulla Rahbek, Atle Wold,m.fl.
A Financial History of the United States: From Christopher Columbus to the Robber Barons (1492-1900)
ISBN 9780765607300 , 2002 , Jerry W. Markham
A Financial History of the United States: From Enron-era Scandals to the Subprime Crisis (2004-2006)
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ISBN 9789602130520 , 1975 , Manol?s Chatz?dak?s, Vassos Karageorghis,m.fl.
A People And A Nation: A History of the United States, Since 1865
ISBN 9780618947775 , 2007 , Howard P. Chudacoff, William M. Tuttle,m.fl.
For the Sake of the Children: The Social Organization of Responsibility in the Hospital and the Home
ISBN 9780226325057 , 1998 , Carol A. Heimer, Lisa R. Staffen
A Commentary to the United States-Netherlands Income Tax Convention
ISBN 9789065448934 , 1996 , Mary C. Bennett, Philip D. Morrison,m.fl.
Contestable Markets Theory: Competition & the United States Commercial Banking Industry
ISBN 9780815323907 , 1996 , By Dickens.
Greek Renaissance in the Roman Empire
ISBN 9780900587597 , 1989 , Averil Cameron, Susan Walker
Concise History of United States Foreign Policy
ISBN 9780742534445 , 2006 , Joyce P. Kaufman
Avoiding Armageddon: Europe, the United States, and the Struggle for Nuclear Nonproliferation, 1945-1970
ISBN 9780275975999 , 2004 , Susanna Schrafstetter, Stephen Robert Twigge
A Field Guide To The Tiger Beetles Of The United States And Canada: Identification, Natural History, And Distribution Of The Cicindelidae
ISBN 9780195181562 , 2006 , David L. Pearson, C. Barry Knisley,m.fl.
Competition, Growth Strategies Annd the Globalization of Services: Real Estate Advisory Services in Japan, Europe and the United States
ISBN 9780415169240 , 1998 , Terence LaPier
A Century of American Diplomacy: A Brief Review of the Foreign Relations of the United States 1776 To 1876
ISBN 9781417960392 , 2004 , John W. Foster
Studyguide for Introduction to the Law and Legal System of the United States by Burnham, William, ISBN 9780314158987
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The Children of Noisy Village
ISBN 9780140326093 , 1997 , Astrid Lindgren, Ilon Wikland
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A Young People's History of the United States, Volume 2: Class Struggle to the War on Terror
ISBN 9781583227602 , 2007 , Howard Zinn, Ph.D., Rebecca Stefoff
Empire by Integration: The United States and European Integration, 1945-1997
ISBN 9780198782117 , 1997 , Geir Lundestad
Immigrant Minds, American Identities: Making the United States Home, 1870-1930
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Colossus: The First Electronic Computer: The Secrets of Bletchley Park's Code-breaking Computers
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Television's Window on the World: International Affairs Coverage on the United States Networks
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Greek Ostraca in the Bodleian Library
ISBN 9780901212771 , 1964 , Jean Bingen, Martin Wittek
The Origins of the First United Front in China: The Role of Sneevliet (Alias Maring)
ISBN 9789004091733 , 1991 , Tony Saich
Knowing and teaching elementary mathematics: teachers' understanding of fundamental mathematics in China and the United States
ISBN 9780805829082 , 1999 , Liping Ma
Media, Bureaucracies, and Foreign Aid: A Comparative Analysis of United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, France and Japan
ISBN 9781403962843 , 2004
The Pocket Oxford Greek Dictionary: Greek-English, English-Greek
ISBN 9780198603276 , 2000 , J.T. Pring
Environmental policy with political and economic integration: the European Union and the United States
ISBN 9781858982175 , 1996 , John B. Braden, Henk Folmer, Thomas S. Ulen
The 9/11 Commission Report: Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (Authorized Edition)
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A Question of Balance: How France And the United States Created Cold War Europe
ISBN 9780674022973 , 2006 , Michael H. Creswell