Søk: 'Citizen Competence and Democratic Institutions'
The Democratic school: educational management and the practice of democracy
ISBN 9781871526011 , 1997 , Roland Meighan, Clive Harber
Financial Institutions Management: a Risk Management Approach
ISBN 9780071289559 , 2010 , Anthony Saunders, Marcia Millon Cornett
(Un)Civil Societies: Human Rights And Democratic Transitions In Eastern Europe And Latin America
ISBN 9780739105801 , 2005 , Rachel A. May, Andrew K. Milton, Marc Belanger,m.fl.
Maritime Sector, Institutions, and Sea Power of Premodern China
ISBN 9780313307126 , 1999 , Gang Deng
Heterotopic Citizen: New Research on Religious Work for the Disadvantaged
ISBN 9783525604380 , 2009 , Trygve Wyller
Public policy and local governance: institutions in postmodern society
ISBN 9781840643497 , 2000 , Peter Bogason
The Political Economy Reader: Markets As Institutions
ISBN 9780415954938 , 2007 , Naazneen Haider Barma, Steven Kent Vogel
Institutions in economics: the old and the new institutionalism
ISBN 9780521574471 , 1996 , Malcolm Rutherford, Craufurd D. Goodwin
The Rise and Fall of Japan's LDP: Political Party Organizations As Historical Institutions
ISBN 9780801476822 , 2010
Culture's consequences: comparing values, behaviors, institutions, and organizations across nations
ISBN 9780803973237 , 2001 , Geert Hofstede
Money and Capital Markets: Financial Institutions and Instruments in a Global Marketplace
ISBN 9780071116398 , 2005 , Peter S. Rose, Milton H. Marquis
Money And Capital Markets: Financial Institutions And Instruments In A Global Marketplace
ISBN 9780072957396 , 2005 , Peter S. Rose, Milton H. Marquis
The Making of the European Union: Foundations, Institutions and Future Trends
ISBN 9781845420253 , 2006 , Henri Vogt, Frank H. Aarebrot, S. Berglund
A citizen of the world: the life of James Bryce
ISBN 9781845111267 , 2006 , Jr. Seaman John T.
Money and Capital Markets: Financial Institutions and Instruments in a Global Marketplace
ISBN 9780071198806 , 2003 , Peter S. Rose
Contesting Global Governance: Multilateral Economic Institutions and Global Social Movements
ISBN 9780521774406 , 2000 , Steve Smith, Thomas Biersteker, Chris Brown,m.fl.
The good citizen: a history of American civic life
ISBN 9780674356405 , 1999 , Michael Schudson
Environmental Toxicology, Economics, and Institutions: The Atrazine Case Study
ISBN 9780792329862 , 1994 , Lars Bergman, D.Michael Pugh
The democratic challenge to capitalism: management and democracy in the nordic countries
ISBN 9788276747645 , 2001 , Haldor Byrkjeflot, Sissel Myklebust,m.fl.
Culture, Institutions And Economic Development: A Study Of Eight European Regions
ISBN 9781845422271 , 2005 , Michael Keating, Kris Deschouwer
Party sovereignty and citizen control: selecting candidates for parliamentary elections in Denmark, Finland, Iceland and Norway
ISBN 9788778386922 , 2002 , Hanne Marthe Narud, Mogens N. Pedersen,m.fl.
Citizen Brands: Putting Society at the Heart of Your Business
ISBN 9780470853580 , 2003
Redrawing the Class Map: Stratification and Institutions in Britain, Germany, Sweden and Switzerland
ISBN 9781403985910 , 2006 , Daniel Oesch
Financial Institutions Management: A Risk Management Approach.
ISBN 9780071267045 , 2008 , Anthony Saunders, Marcia Millon Cornett
e-Study Guide for: Financial Markets and Institutions by Marcia Cornett, ISBN 9780078034664
ISBN 9780078034664 , 2011 , Anthony Saunders, Marcia Cornett
Studyguide for Financial Markets and Institutions by Madura, ISBN 9780324162615: 0324162618
ISBN 9781428809840 , 2006 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews, Madura
Communicative competence for individuals who use AAC: from research to effective practice
ISBN 9781557666390 , 2003 , David R. Beukelman, Janice Catherine Light,m.fl.
Culture, Institutions and Economic Development: A Study of Eight European Regions
ISBN 9781840647013 , 2003 , Michael Keating, Kris Deschouwer
Contested Capitalism: The Political Origins of Financial Institutions
ISBN 9780415547345 , 2009 , Richard W. Carney
The Dynamics of European Integration: Why and When EU Institutions Matter
ISBN 9781403936349 , 2005 , Derek Beach