Søk: 'Crisis Management: Planning for the Inevitable'
Practical Research: Planning and Design
ISBN 9780137152421 , 2010 , Jeanne Ellis Ormrod, Paul D. Leedy
Concepts In Enterprise Resource Planning
ISBN 9781111820411 , 2012 , Ellen Monk, Bret Wagner
Concepts in Enterprise Resource Planning
ISBN 9781439081082 , 2009 , Ellen F. Monk, Bret J. Wagner
Essence of decision: explaining the Cuban Missile Crisis
ISBN 9780321013491 , 1999 , Graham T. Allison, Philip Zelikow
The Management of Strategy: Concepts
ISBN 9780538753210 , 2011 , R. Duane Ireland, Robert E. Hoskisson,m.fl.
Geomatics Solutions for Disaster Management
ISBN 9783540721086 , 2007 , 9783540721086, Siyka Zlatanova
Managing Crises Before They Happen: What Every Executive and Manager Needs to Know About Crisis Management
ISBN 9780814473283 , 2006
Essentials of Strategic Management: The Quest for Competitive Advantage
ISBN 9780071220811 , 2010 , John E. Gamble, Jr. Arthur A. Thompson
Planning in the Face of Conflict: The Surprising Possibilities of Facilitative Leadership
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Financial Management for Decision Makers
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Retailing Management
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Operations Management
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Strategic Advertising Management
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City-region 2020: integrated planning for a sustainable environment
ISBN 9781853836077 , 2000 , Joe Ravetz, Sustainable City-Region Working Group
City-region 2020: integrated planning for a sustainable environment
ISBN 9781853836060 , 2000 , Joe Ravetz, Sustainable City-Region Working Group
The Crisis of the Welfare State: Ethics and Economics
ISBN 9781897969151 , 1993 , Michael Novak
Practical Research: Planning and Design
ISBN 9780131365667 , 2010 , Jeanne Ellis Ormrod, Paul D. Leedy
Crisis Management in Acute Care Settings: Human Factors, Team Psychology, and Patient Safety in a High Stakes Environment
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The Future of Environmental Criticism: Environmental Crisis and Literary Imagination
ISBN 9781405124768 , 2005 , Lawrence Buell
Human resource management: perspectives for the new era
ISBN 9780761994336 , 2000 , Debi S. Saini, Sami A. Khan
ISBN 9781906404178 , 2008 , Richard Springer
Management Research
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The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Management, Operations Management
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Decision Analysis for Management Judgment
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To Cook a Continent: Destructive Extraction and the Climate Crisis in Africa
ISBN 9781906387532 , 2011
Crisis: the anatomy of two major foreign policy crises
ISBN 9780743249102 , 2003 , Henry A. Kissinger
Capacity planning for Web services: metrics, models, and methods
ISBN 9780130659033 , 2001 , Daniel A. Menasce, Virgílio A. F. Almeida
Essentials of Strategic Management, the Quest for Competitive Advantage
ISBN 9780073530307 , 2008 , John Gamble, Jr. Arthur A. Thompson
Statistics for Management and Economics
ISBN 9780495013396 , 2005 , Gerald Keller
Going off the rails: global capital and the crisis of legitimacy
ISBN 9780470853146 , 2003 , John Plender