Søk: 'Designing the User Interface'
Transforming Children's Spaces: Children's and Adults' Participation in Designing Learning Environments
ISBN 9780415458603 , 2010
Security and usability: designing secure systems that people can use
ISBN 9780596008277 , 2005 , Simson Garfinkel, Lorrie Faith Cranor
Religions of India: A User Friendly and Brief Introduction to Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, and the Jains
ISBN 9780595247127 , 2001 , Jack Sikora
Anatomy and Physiology Online for The Human Body in Health & Disease (User Guide, Access Code and Textbook Package)
ISBN 9780323054881 , 2009 , Gary A. Thibodeau, Kevin T. Patton
Understanding Your Users: A Practical Guide to User Requirements : Methods, Tools, and Techniques
ISBN 9781558609358 , 2005 , Catherine Courage, Kathy Baxter, Kelly Caine
Guide to Standards and Specifications for Designing Web Software
ISBN 9780890068199 , 1998 , Stan Magee, Leonard Tripp
Rethinking Pedagogy for a Digital Age: Designing and Delivering E-learning
ISBN 9780415408738 , 2007 , Helen Beetham, Rhona Sharpe
Studyguide for Resonant Interface: Hci Foundations for Interaction Design by Steven Heim, ISBN 9780321375964
ISBN 9781428853515 , 2009 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Drug Calculations Online for Ogden Calculation of Drug Dosages (User Guide and Access Code)
ISBN 9780323026369 , 2008 , Sheila J. Ogden, Angela Koller, Linda Fluharty,m.fl.
Designing Enterprise Applications with Microsoft(r) Visual Basic(r) .Net
ISBN 9780735617216 , 2002 , Sarath Mallavarapu , Robert Ian Oliver,m.fl.
MCSE designing a Windows 2000 directory services infrastructure for dummies
ISBN 9780764507717 , 2001 , Steve Clines
Rapid Contextual Design: A How-to Guide to Key Techniques for User-centered Design
ISBN 9780123540515 , 2004 , Jessamyn Wendell, Shelley Wood
Performance Measurement Explained: Designing and Implementing Your State-Of-The-Art System / Bjrn Andersen, Tom Fagerhaug
ISBN 9780873895200 , 2002 , Bjørn Andersen, Tom Fagerhaug
Designing Learning Environments for Developing Understanding of Geometry and Space
ISBN 9780805819489 , 1998 , Richard Lehrer, Daniel Chazan
Designing Learning Environments for Developing Understanding of Geometry and Space
ISBN 9780805819496 , 1998 , Richard Lehrer, Daniel Isaac Chazan
How to Do Research: A Practical Guide to Designing And Managing Research Projects
ISBN 9781856045940 , 2006 , Nick Moore
General Chemistry: The Essential Concepts
ISBN 9781259060427 , 2013 , Raymond Chang, Kenneth Goldsby
Designing Web Services with the J2EE 1.4 Platform: JAX-RPC, SOAP, and XML Technologies [With CDROM]
ISBN 9780321205216 , 2004 , Inderjeet Singh, Sean Brydon, Greg Murray,m.fl.
A User-Centric Quality of Service Management System: QoS Management Approach for Wireless Home Networks
ISBN 9783838339177 , 2010 , Aleksej Spenst
The case management sourcebook: a guide to designing and implementing a centralized case management system
ISBN 9780786312214 , 1997
The Cult of the Amateur: How Blogs, MySpace, YouTube, and the Rest of Today's User-generated Media are Destroying Our Economy, Our Culture, and Our Values
ISBN 9781857885200 , 2008 , Andrew Keen
Cfdtd: Conformal Finite Difference Time-Domain Maxwell's Equations Solver - Software and User Guide
ISBN 9781580537315 , 2003 , Wenhua Yu, Raj Mittra
End-User Development: 2nd International Symposium, IS-EUD 2009, Siegen, Germany, March 2-4, 2009, Proceedings
ISBN 9783642004254 , 2009 , Volkmar Pipek, Mary Beth Rosson, Volker Wulf
JavaServer pages: your visual blueprint for designing dynamic content with JSP
ISBN 9780764535420 , 2001 , Paul Whitehead, MaranGraphics Inc,m.fl.
Clinical Care Pathways: Tools and Methods for Designing, Implementing, and
ISBN 9780786311231 , 1997
The High Performance HMI Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide to Designing, Implementing and Maintaining Effective HMIs for Industrial Plant Operations
ISBN 9780977896912 , 2008 , Pas, Bill Hollifield, Dana Oliver, Ian Nimmo,m.fl.
Designing Network Security: [a Practical Guide to Creating a Secure Network Infrastructure]
ISBN 9781587051173 , 2004 , Merike Kaeo
Classical Film Violence: Designing and Regulating Brutality in Hollywood Cinema, 1930 - 1968
ISBN 9780813532813 , 2003
Accounting for Financial Instruments: An Investigation of Preparer and User Preference for Fair Value Accounting
ISBN 9783639051674 , 2008 , Rebecca Chyi Woan Tan
Embedded Ethernet Adn Internet Complete: Designing and Programming Small Devices for Networking
ISBN 9781931448000 , 2003 , Jan Axelson