Søk: 'Digital Compression of Still Images and Video'
Still on My Way to Hollywood
ISBN 9781850894773 , 1992 , Ernie Wise, Trevor Barnes
Orthopedic Physical Assessment Atlas and Video: Selected Special Tests and Movements
ISBN 9781437716030 , 2010 , David J. Magee
Didiktikk: digital kompetanse i praktisk undervisning
ISBN 9788245009170 , 2009 , Monica Johannesen, Tonje Hilde Giæver,m.fl.
At the Controls: Questioning Video and Computer Games
ISBN 9780736878647 , 2007 , Neil Andersen
Lonely Planet One Planet: Images of the World
ISBN 9781740598743 , 2004 , Lonely Planet
The carnival of images: Brazilian television fiction
ISBN 9780897892124 , 1990 , Armand Mattelart, Michèle Mattelart
Digital Design
ISBN 9780132774208 , 2012 , M. Morris Mano, Michael D. Ciletti
Design of computers and other complex digital devices
ISBN 9780130402677 , 2000 , Sunggn Lee
Digital Fortress
ISBN 9780552151696 , 2004 , Dan Brown
Drama Trauma: Specters of Race and Sexuality in Performance, Video, and Art
ISBN 9780415157889 , 1997 , Timothy Murray
Language and Learning in the Digital Age
ISBN 9780415602778 , 2011 , James Paul Gee
Mind over matter: the images of Pink Floyd
ISBN 9781860748332 , 2003 , Storm Thorgerson, Peter Curzon
Visual persuasion: the role of images in advertising
ISBN 9780803972452 , 1997 , Paul Messaris
Reading Images: The Grammar of Visual Design
ISBN 9780730012573 , 1991 , Theo Van Leeuwen, Gunther Kress
Digital Fundamentals
ISBN 9780132359238 , 2008 , Thomas L. Floyd
Matematikk for ingeniørfag: med digital arbeidsbok
ISBN 9788205432338 , 2013 , Martin Gulbrandsen, Johannes Kleppe,m.fl.
Digital Media Revisited: Theoretical And Conceptual Innovations In Digital Domains
ISBN 9780262621922 , 2004 , Gunnar Liestøl, Terje Rasmussen, Andrew Morrison
Digital Principles and Logic Design
ISBN 9781934015032 , 2007 , N. Manna, Arjit Saha
Digital communications: fundamentals and applications
ISBN 9780130847881 , 2001 , Bernard Sklar
Short Stories on Film and Video
ISBN 9780872874244 , 1985 , Carol Ann Emmens
The Science of Electronics: Digital
ISBN 9780130875495 , 2004 , Thomas L. Floyd, David M. Buchla
Digital Modeling
ISBN 9780321700896 , 2011 , William Vaughan, George Maestri
Digital photogrammetry
ISBN 9783540927259 , 2009 , Wilfried Linder
Digital Multimedia
ISBN 9780470512166 , 2009 , Jenny Chapman, Nigel P. Chapman
Digital Image Processing
ISBN 9780132345637 , 2007 , Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard Eugene Woods
The Video Camera Handbook
ISBN 9781856058841 , 2004 , Nigel Taylor
A Computational Model of Auditory Masking Based on Signal-dependent Compression
ISBN 9783832212544 , 2003 , Jorg M. Buchholz
Digital Learning Lives: Trajectories, Literacies, and Schooling
ISBN 9781433111631 , 2013 , Ola Erstad
Digital Planet: Tomorrow's Technology and You, Complete
ISBN 9780132737517 , 2011 , George Beekman, Ben Beekman
Fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing
ISBN 9780130160775 , 2001 , Joyce Van de Vegte