Søk: 'Digital Design With Cpld Applications and Vhdl'
Case Study Research: Design and Methods
ISBN 9781452242569 , 2013 , Robert K. Yin
Fluid Mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications
ISBN 9781259011221 , 2013 , Yunus A. Cengel, John M. Cimbala
Digital Design for Print and Web: An Introduction to Theory, Principles, and Techniques
ISBN 9780470398364 , 2010 , John P. DiMarco
Handbook of Research on Modern Systems Analysis and Design Technologies and Applications
ISBN 9781599048871 , 2008 , Mahbubur Rahman Syed, Sharifun Nessa Syed
Starting Out with Programming Logic & Design [With CDROM]
ISBN 9780136077732 , 2009 , Tony Gaddis
Acting with technology: activity theory and interaction design
ISBN 9780262112987 , 2006 , Victor Kaptelinin, Bonnie A. Nardi
Linear Algebra and Its Applications with CD-ROM, Update
ISBN 9780321287137 , 2005 , David C. Lay
Introduction to Digital Computer Design, An, 4th ed.
ISBN 9788120310049 , 2004 , 4. utgave , V. Rajaraman, T. Radhakrishnan
LSC Space Propulsion Analysis and Design with Website
ISBN 9780077230296 , 2007 , Wiley J. Larson, Ronald Humble
Emigre: Graphic Design into the Digital Realm
ISBN 9780471285472 , 1993 , R. Vanderlands, Z. Licko, M.E. Gray
Theory of Vibrations With Applications
ISBN 9780136510680 , 1997 , William T. Thomson
Online Course Pack: Physics:Principles with Applications(International Edition) and OneKey CourseCompass, Student Access Kit, Physics:Principles with Applications
ISBN 9781405836289 , 2006 , Douglas C. Giancoli
Calculus and Its Applications
ISBN 9780321485434 , 2008
Advanced Calculus With Applications in Statistics
ISBN 9780470120699 , 2010 , Khuri
Kalman Filtering: With Real-Time Applications
ISBN 9783540878483 , 2008 , Guanrong Chen, Charles K. Chui
Kalman Filtering: with Real-Time Applications
ISBN 9783642099663 , 2010 , Guanrong Chen, Charles K. Chui
Design with Operational Amplifiers and Analog Integrated Circuits
ISBN 9780072320848 , 2001 , Sergio Franco
Applied Optimal Control & Estimation: Digital Design & Implementation
ISBN 9780130403612 , 1991 , Frank L. Lewis
Elementary Linear Algebra with Supplemental Applications: International Student Version
ISBN 9780470561577 , 2010 , 10. utgave
Quantitative Decision Making with Spreadsheet Applications with CDROM
ISBN 9780534380243 , 2001 , Lawrence L. Lapin, William D Whisler
Fluid mechanics with engineering applications
ISBN 9780070219144 , 1997 , Joseph B. Franzini, E. John Finnemore,m.fl.
Time Series Analysis And Its Applications: With R Examples
ISBN 9780387293172 , 2006 , Robert H. Shumway, David S. Stoffer
Complex Variables and Applications
ISBN 9781259072772 , 2014 , James Ward Brown, Ruel Vance Churchill
Fluid Mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications
ISBN 9780071284219 , 2009 , Yunus A. Cengel, John M. Cimbala
Study Guide for Microeconomics: Theory and Applications With Calculus
ISBN 9780321412348 , 2007 , Jeffrey M. Perloff, Robert Whaples, Charles Mason
Fluid Mechanics with Engineering Applications
ISBN 9780071142144 , 1997 , Robert L. Daugherty, Joseph B. Franzini,m.fl.
Physics: Principles With Applications: Ebook Included
ISBN 9780321569875 , 2008 , Douglas C. Giancoli
Digital Memory and the Archive
ISBN 9780816677672 , 2012 , Wolfgang Ernst, Dr., Jussi Parikka
Calculus and Its Applications
ISBN 9780321639448
Design with Operational Amplifiers and Analog Integrated Circuits
ISBN 9780071207034 , 2003 , Sergio Franco