Søk: 'Educational Innovation in Economics and Business IV: Learning in a Changing Environment'
The Economics of the Environment and Natural Resources
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Risk Analysis in Engineering and Economics
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A man's world?: changing men's practices in a globalized world
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A Man's World?: Changing Men's Practices in a Globalized World
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Advances in Mathematical Economics
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Advances in Mathematical Economics
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Changing Cultures in Early Byzantium
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Learning Together : Children and Adults in a School Community: Children and Adults in a School Community
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Citizenship in Nordic Welfare States: Dynamics of Choice, Duties and Participation in a Changing Europe
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How We Learn: Learning and Non-Learning in School and Beyond
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Frameworks for Practice in Educational Psychology: A Textbook for Trainees and Practitioners
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Basic Statistics for Business and Economics
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Learning Together : Children and Adults in a School Community: Children and Adults in a School Community
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Advances in Mathematical Economics
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Young People and New Media: Childhood and the Changing Media Environment
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The Handbook of Maritime Economics and Business
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Disseminating Qualitative Research in Educational Settings
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Phraseology in Foreign Language Learning and Teaching
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Knowledge Education and Learning: E-Learning in the Knowledge Society
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Children and Families in the Social Environment
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Movement and Learning in the Early Years
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Economics of Natural Resources and the Environment
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Learning in the Museum
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