Søk: 'English Pasts: Essays in History and Culture'
Science in Public: Communication, Culture, and Credibility
ISBN 9780738203577 , 2000 , Jane Gregory, Steven Miller
ISBN 9788252571653 , 2009 , Michel de Montaigne
Jihad in Islamic History: Doctrines and Practice
ISBN 9780691138381 , 2008
Organizational Culture and Leadership
ISBN 9780470185865 , 2010 , Edgar H. Schein
A History of English: A Sociolinguistic Approach
ISBN 9780631200734 , 2001 , Dr Barbara Fennell
Porphyrogenita: Essays on the History and Literature of Byzantium and the Latin East in Honour of Julian Chrysostomides
ISBN 9780754636960 , 2003 , J. Chrysostomides, Charalambos Dendrinos
Popular Culture in Early Modern Europe
ISBN 9780754665076 , 2009 , Peter Burke
Parameters and Functional Heads: Essays in Comparative Syntax
ISBN 9780195087932 , 1996 , Adriana Belletti, Luigi Rizzi
Modality in Comtemporary English
ISBN 9783110176865 , 2003 , Roberta Facchinetti, Manfred G. Krug,m.fl.
Producing Culture and Capital: Family Firms in Italy
ISBN 9780691095097 , 2002 , Sylvia Junko Yanagisako
Culture and Technology
ISBN 9780333929292 , 2002 , Andrew Murphie, John Potts
An Outline History of Polish Culture
ISBN 9788322320365 , 1984 , Boleslaw Klimaszewski
An English Garner: Ingatherings from Our History and Literature, Volume 2
ISBN 9781143313424 , 2010 , Edward Arber
Discussions in Contemporary Culture
ISBN 9781565844636 , 2001
Advertising in Asia: communication, culture, and consumption
ISBN 9780813828886 , 1996 , Katherine Toland Frith
Law and Administration in Europe: Essays in Honour of Carol Harlow
ISBN 9780199265374 , 2003 , Professor Paul Craig, Richard Rawlings,m.fl.
Language and Culture
ISBN 9780194372145 , 1998 , Claire J. Kramsch, H.G. Widdowson
A History of English Reflexive Pronouns: Person, Self, and Interpretability
ISBN 9789027227607 , 2000 , Elly Van Gelderen
Witching Culture: Folklore and Neo-Paganism in America
ISBN 9780812218794 , 2004 , Sabina Magliocco
Sideblikk: essays
ISBN 9788292400654 , 2012 , Trygve Lundemo
Governing Educational Desire: Culture, Politics, and Schooling in China
ISBN 9780226437552 , 2011 , Andrew B. Kipnis
Reclaiming the History of Ethics: Essays for John Rawls
ISBN 9780521063500 , 2008 , Christine M. Korsgaard, Andrews Reath,m.fl.
Islamic contestations: essays on Muslims in India and Pakistan
ISBN 9780195666663 , 2004 , Barbara Daly Metcalf
Islamic Contestations: Essays on Muslims in India And Pakistan
ISBN 9780195685138 , 2006 , Barbara Daly Metcalf
A Course in English Intonation: (received Pronunciation)
ISBN 9788200228776 , 2008 , Barbara Bird
History of English: A Resource Book for Students
ISBN 9780415444293 , 2008 , Dan McIntyre
Authority In Language: Investigating Standard English
ISBN 9780415696838 , 2012 , James Milroy, Lesley Milroy
Professional English in Use Law
ISBN 9780521685429 , 2007 , Gillian D. Brown, Sally Rice
Dignity for all: essays in socialism and democracy
ISBN 9788120203181 , 1992 , Willy Brandt, George Mathew
Becoming Human: Innovation in Prehistoric Material and Spiritual Culture
ISBN 9780521734660 , 2009 , Colin Renfrew, Iain Morley