Søk: 'Ensuring Control Accuracy'
Starting Out with C++: From Control Structures Through Objects
ISBN 9780132576253 , 2011 , Tony Gaddis
Error control coding: from theory to practice
ISBN 9780470843567 , 2002 , Peter Sweeney
Media control: the spectacular achievements of propaganda
ISBN 9781583225363 , 2002 , Noam Chomsky
Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control Theory: A Concise Introduction
ISBN 9780691151878 , 2011 , Daniel Liberzon
A Multilevel Approach to the Study of Motor Control and Learning
ISBN 9780805360318 , 2006 , Robert W. Christina, Debra J. Rose
Theory of Applied Robotics: Kinematics, Dynamics, And Control
ISBN 9780387324753 , 2007 , Reza N. Jazar
Control and Subversion: Gender Relations in Tajikistan
ISBN 9780745321677 , 2004 , Colette Harris
Control System Design Guide: A Practical Guide
ISBN 9780122374616 , 2004 , George H. Ellis
Applied Linear Optimal Control: Examples and Algorithms
ISBN 9780521012317 , 2002 , Arthur Earl Bryson
Applied Linear Optimal Control: Examples and Algorithms
ISBN 9780521812856 , 2002 , Arthur Earl Bryson
Control Systems for Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning
ISBN 9780387305219 , 2006 , Roger W. Haines, Douglas C. Hittle
Mathematical Problems of Control Theory: An Introduction
ISBN 9789810246945 , 2001
Discontinuous Control Systems: Frequency-Domain Analysis and Design
ISBN 9780817647520 , 2008 , Igor Boiko
The Paradox of Power: From Control to Compassion
ISBN 9780824524708 , 2008 , Michael H. Crosby
Computer systems for automation and control
ISBN 9780134575810 , 1992 , Gustaf Olsson, Gianguido Piani
Automotive Control Systems: For Engine, Driveline, and Vehicle
ISBN 9783540231394 , 2005 , Lars Nielsen, Uwe Kiencke
Cucurbit Diseases: Observation, Identification and control
ISBN 9781874545156 , 1994 , D. Blancard, M. Pitrat,m.fl.
Constrained Optimization and Optimal Control for Partial Differential Equations
ISBN 9783034801324 , 2011 , Gunter Leugering, Sebastian Engell,m.fl.
A Global Strategy for Malaria Control
ISBN 9789241561617 , 1993 , World Health Organization
Modern Control Systems Analysis and Design
ISBN 9780471811930 , 1993 , Thomas L. Vincent, Walter Jervis Grantham
Analysis and Control of Production Systems
ISBN 9780130787590 , 1993 , Elsayed A. Elsayed, Thomas O. Boucher
Motor Control and Learning - 4th: A Behavioral Emphasis
ISBN 9780736042581 , 2005 , Richard A. Schmidt, Timothy Donald Lee
Advanced Dynamics and Control of Structures and Mechanics
ISBN 9783211228678 , 2004 , Hans Irschik, Kurt Schlacher
Advanced Structural Dynamics and Active Control of Structures
ISBN 9780387406497 , 2004 , Wodek K. Gawronski
Manufacturing planning and control for supply chain management
ISBN 9780071121330 , 2004
Air Traffic Control: Past, Present and Future
ISBN 9788174790217 , 1999 , S. Mahalingam
Fundamentals of Robotics: Analysis and Control
ISBN 9780133444339 , 1991 , Robert J. Schilling
Duality System in Applied Mechanics and Optimal Control
ISBN 9781402078804 , 2004 , Wan-Xie Zhong
Dissipative systems analysis and control: theory and applications
ISBN 9781846285165 , 2006 , Bernard Brogliato, Rogelio Lozano,m.fl.
Fundamentals of Robotics: Analysis and Control
ISBN 9780133343762 , 1990 , Robert Joseph Schilling