Søk: 'Entusiastiske essays: klippbok 1960-1975'
Learning to Curse: Essays in Early Modern Culture
ISBN 9780415771603 , 2007 , Stephen Greenblatt
The Classical Hollywood Cinema: Film Style & Mode of Production to 1960
ISBN 9780415003834 , 1988 , Janet Staiger, David Bordwell
Artikler og essays om litteratur
ISBN 9788203111907 , 1986 , Sigrid Undset
The classical Holywood cinema: film style & mode of production to 1960
ISBN 9780231060554 , 1987 , Janet Staiger, David Bordwell
At the Same Time: Essays and Speeches
ISBN 9780241143711 , 2007 , Susan Sontag, David Rieff
Public philosophy: essays on morality in politics
ISBN 9780674019287 , 2005 , Michael J. Sandel
Deltakar og tilskodar og andre essays
ISBN 9788203261336 , 2001 , Hans Skjervheim
Other Minds: Critical Essays, 1969-1994
ISBN 9780195132465 , 1999 , Thomas Nagel
Aftersight and foresight: selected essays
ISBN 9780819168412 , 1988 , Gerhart Niemeyer
Eiendomsskatteloven: lov om eigedomsskatt til kommunane; lov av 6. juni 1975 nr 29, kommentarutgave
ISBN 9788215003528 , 2004 , Einar Harboe
Northern Ireland at the Crossroads: Ulster Unionism in the O'Neill Years, 1960-9
ISBN 9780333760758 , 2000 , Marc Mulholland
The Pol Pot Regime: Race, Power, and Genocide in Cambodia Under the Khmer Rouge, 1975-79
ISBN 9780300144345 , 2008 , Ben Kiernan
Den nye middelalderen: og andre essays
ISBN 9788210040979 , 2000 , Umberto Eco, Siri Nergaard
Utgang fra trancen: essays og artikler
ISBN 9788202186098 , 2000 , Peter Normann Waage, Grigorij Pomerants,m.fl.
Før språket: musikkfilosofiske essays
ISBN 9788279900122 , 2000 , Peder Christian Kjerschow
Law and economics: essays in honour of Erling Eide
ISBN 9788202336110 , 2010 , Erik Røsæg, Endre Stavang, Erling Eide,m.fl.
Public Philosophy: Essays on Morality in Politics
ISBN 9780674023659 , 2006 , Michael J. Sandel
What Is a Woman?: And Other Essays
ISBN 9780198186755 , 2001 , Toril Moi
The Future as Cultural Fact: Essays on the Global Condition
ISBN 9781844679829 , 2013 , Arjun Appadurai
Book of Essays About Life, Love and Medicine
ISBN 9781448933310 , 2010 , Timir Banerjee
Perception and cognition: essays in the philosophy of psychology
ISBN 9780199228218 , 2009 , Gary Hatfield
They Do Things Differently There: Essays on Cultural History
ISBN 9789512946563 , 2011 , Bruce Johnson, Harri Kiiskinen
Kunstnerens Etiske Ansvar Og Andre Essays
ISBN 9788203180194 , 1999 , Ørnulf Ranheimsæter
The Comedy of Errors: Critical Essays
ISBN 9780815319979 , 1997 , Robert S. Miola
Essays in International Economic Theory
ISBN 9780262521215 , 1986 , Robert C. Feenstra, Jagdish N. Bhagwati
The Interpretation of Cultures: Selected Essays
ISBN 9780006862604 , 1993 , Clifford Geertz
Myten om det velintegrerte menneske...: essays
ISBN 9788247600566 , 1998 , Ralph Ditlef Kolnes
The dialogic imagination: four essays
ISBN 9780292715349 , 1982 , M. M. Bakhtin, Michael Holquist, Caryl Emerson
The Writer of Modern Life: Essays on Charles Baudelaire
ISBN 9780674022874 , 2006 , Walter Benjamin, Harry Zohn, Howard Eiland,m.fl.
A Scrap-Book of Elementary Mathematics; Notes, Recreations, Essays
ISBN 9780217342254 , 2012 , William Frank White