Søk: 'Europe Since 1945: A Concise History'
A concise history of England from Stonehenge to the microchip
ISBN 9780500271827 , 1980
American Orientalism: The United States and the Middle East Since 1945
ISBN 9781860648892 , 2002 , Douglas Little
Economic History of Twentieth-Century Europe
ISBN 9780511166730 , 2006 , Ivan T. Berend
A Concise Economic History of the World: from paleolithic times to the present
ISBN 9780195127058 , 2002 , Rondo Cameron, Larry Neal
A Political And Social History Of Modern Europe Volume 1
ISBN 9781419102745 , 2004 , Carlton J. H. Hayes
Crisis and crossfire: the United States and the Middle East since 1945
ISBN 9781574888201 , 2005 , Peter L. Hahn
A Concise Coptic-English Lexicon
ISBN 9780788505614 , 1999 , Richard Smith
A history of the world economy: international economic relations since 1850
ISBN 9780745009353 , 1995 , James Foreman-Peck
Contemporary Japan: History, Politics, and Social Change since the 1980s
ISBN 9781118315071 , 2012 , Jeff Kingston
Europe on a Shoestring
ISBN 9781740597791 , 2005
Understanding the European Union: A Concise Introduction
ISBN 9780230298835 , 2011 , John McCormick
A Concise Guide to Nuclear Medicine
ISBN 9783642194252 , 2011 , Abdelhamid H. Elgazzar
A Concise Introduction to World Religions
ISBN 9780195437744 , 2011
A History of Rome
ISBN 9781405183277 , 2009 , Donald G. Kyle, Marcel Le Glay, Jean-Louis Voisin,m.fl.
The Inheritance of Rome: A History of Europe from 400 to 1000
ISBN 9780140290141 , 2010 , Chris Wickham
History of Europe and the Middle East
ISBN 9780199180776 , 2010 , David Smith, Richard Jones-Nerzic, David Keys,m.fl.
The Ordeal of Nationalism in Modern Europe, 1789-1945
ISBN 9780773494787 , 1992 , Endre B. Gastony
A Concise Guide to Technical Communication
ISBN 9780321391681 , 2007 , Laura J. Gurak, John Michael Lannon
Symbols and Meaning: A Concise Introduction
ISBN 9780759103221 , 2005 , Mari Womack
A History of the Soviet Union, 1945-1991: Last of the Empires
ISBN 9780192803191 , 2002 , John L. H. Keep
A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic
ISBN 9780802086594 , 2004
Coal, Steel, and the Rebirth of Europe, 1945-1955
ISBN 9780521400596 , 1991 , John Gillingham
A Hundred Years of Japanese Film: A Concise History, with a Selective Guide to DVDs and Videos
ISBN 9784770029959 , 2005
A Concise Introduction to Data Compression
ISBN 9781848000711 , 2008 , David Salomon
A Concise Introduction to Software Engineering
ISBN 9781848003019 , 2008 , Pankaj Jalote
Becoming a Master Student Concise Edition
ISBN 9780618595389 , 2006 , Doug Toft, David B. Ellis, Eldon L. McMurray
A Concise Economic History of the World: From Paleolitic Times to the Present
ISBN 9780195127041 , 2003 , Larry Neal, Rondo E. Cameron
A Concise History of Polish Theatre from the Eleventh to the Twentieth Centuries
ISBN 9780773467910 , 2003 , Kazimierz Braun
A Concise Introduction to Programming in Python
ISBN 9781439896945 , 2012 , Mark J. Johnson
Europe in the High Middle Ages: The Penguin History of Europe
ISBN 9780140166644 , 2002 , William Chester Jordan