Søk: 'Feminist Cultural Studies'
The Audience Studies Reader
ISBN 9780415254359 , 2002 , Deborah Jermyn
Religion: empirical studies
ISBN 9780754641582 , 2004 , Steven J. Sutcliffe
Modernism: A Cultural History
ISBN 9780745629834 , 2005 , Tim Armstrong
As Media Studies
ISBN 9780748768400 , 2003 , John Price
American Studies Anthology (4)
ISBN 9780842028295 , 2001 , Richard P. Horwitz
Cultural theory: an introduction
ISBN 9781405169073 , 2008 , Phil Smith, Philip Smith, Alexander Riley
Cultural Theory: An Anthology
ISBN 9781405180825 , 2010 , Imre Szeman, Timothy Kaposy
American Cultural Patterns: A Cross-Cultural Perspective
ISBN 9781877864018 , 1991 , Ed C. Stewart
Reinventing Film Studies
ISBN 9780340677230 , 2000 , Linda Williams, Christine Gledhill
The Performance Studies Reader
ISBN 9780415772754 , 2007 , Henry Bial
Research Methodologies in Translation Studies
ISBN 9781909485006 , 2013 , Gabriela Saldanha, Sharon O'Brien
Feminist Crime Writing: The Politics of Genre
ISBN 9780863393006 , 1991 , Yvonne Tasker
Fifteenth-Century Studies
ISBN 9781571132734 , 2003 , Edelgard E. DuBruck, Barbara I. Gusick,m.fl.
Cultural Diversity: Its Social Psychology
ISBN 9780631231233 , 2003 , Xenia Chryssochoou
Heritage Studies: Methods and Approaches
ISBN 9780415431859 , 2009 , Marie Louise Stig Sa Rensen
Missionaries and mandarins: feminist engagement with development institutions
ISBN 9781853394348 , 1998 , Carol Miller, Shahra Razavi, Shahrashoub Razavi
Critical Security Studies: An Introduction
ISBN 9780415484442 , 2010 , Columba Peoples, Nick Vaughan-Williams
Created in God's Image: An Introduction to Feminist Theological Anthropology
ISBN 9781570756979 , 2007 , Michelle A. Gonzalez
Cultural Mobility: A Manifesto
ISBN 9780521682206 , 2009 , Stephen J. Greenblatt, Ines G. Zupanov,m.fl.
Paradoxes of Cultural Recognition
ISBN 9780754695851 , 2009 , Thomas Hylland Eriksen, Halleh Ghorashi
Politics of Piety: The Islamic Revival and the Feminist Subject [New in Paper]
ISBN 9780691149806 , 2011 , Saba Mahmood
Popular Music Studies
ISBN 9780340762486 , 2002 , Keith Negus
Fifteenth-Century Studies 34
ISBN 9781571133984 , 2009 , Edelgard E. DuBruck, Barbara I. Gusick
Faroese language studies
ISBN 9788270993352 , 2001 , Michael Barnes
Evolutionary Genetics : Concepts and Case Studies: Concepts and Case Studies
ISBN 9780195168181 , 2006
Black Feminist Thought: Knowledge, Consciousness, and the Politics of Empowerment
ISBN 9780415964722 , 2008 , Patricia Hill Collins
The Companion to Development Studies, Third Edition
ISBN 9781444167245 , 2014 , 3. utgave , Vandana Desai
Chinese Studies
ISBN 9780712301565 , 1988 , Frances Wood
Cultural Theory: An Introduction
ISBN 9781405169080 , 2008 , Phil Smith, Philip Smith, Alexander Riley
Photography: A Cultural History
ISBN 9781856694933 , 2006 , Mary Warner Marien