Søk: 'Graphic Design For The 21st Century'
Metode- og oppgaveskriving for studenter
ISBN 9788205423985 , 2012 , Olav Dalland
The Urban Design Reader
ISBN 9780415668088 , 2012 , Michael Larice, Elizabeth MacDonald
The Design of Everyday Things
ISBN 9780262525671 , 2013 , Donald A. Norman
The resonant interface: HCI foundations for interaction design
ISBN 9780321375964 , 2007 , Steven Heim
The Design History Reader
ISBN 9781847883896 , 2010
Design For How People Learn
ISBN 9780321768438 , 2011 , Julie Dirksen
Game Design for Teens
ISBN 9781592004966 , 2004 , Eric Nunamaker, Scott Pugh, Les Pardew,m.fl.
The Zen of CSS Design: Visual Enlightenment for the Web
ISBN 9780321303479 , 2005 , Molly E. Holzschlag, Dave Shea
The Semantic Turn: A New Foundation for Design
ISBN 9780415322201 , 2005 , Klaus Krippendorff
A Guide to Graphic Print Production
ISBN 9780471761389 , 2007 , 2. utgave , Robert Ryberg, Peter Lundberg, Kaj Johansson
The Design of Approximation Algorithms
ISBN 9780521195270 , 2011 , David P. Williamson, David B. Shmoys
Manufacturing Processes for Design Professionals
ISBN 9780500513750 , 2007 , Rob Thompson
Digital Design
ISBN 9780273764526 , 2012 , 5. utgave , M. Morris Mano, Michael D. Ciletti
Sketching user experiences: getting the design right and the right design
ISBN 9780123740373 , 2007 , Bill Buxton, William Buxton
Shakespeare Criticism in the Twentieth Century
ISBN 9780198711841
Functional Analysis on the Eve of the 21st Century in Honor of the 80th Birthday of I.M. Gelfand 1+2
ISBN 9780817638603 , 1995 , Robert Wilson, Simon Gindikin, James Lepowsky
Functional Analysis on the Eve of the 21st Century Volume I: In Honor of the Eightieth Birthday of I.M. Gelfand
ISBN 9780817637552 , 1995 , Simon Gindikin, James Lepowsky,m.fl.
Functional Analysis on the Eve of the 21st Century Volume II: In Honor of the Eightieth Birthday of I.M. Gelfand
ISBN 9780817638559 , 1995 , Robert Wilson, Simon Gindikin, James Lepowsky
Aulton's Pharmaceutics: The Design and Manufacture of Medicines
ISBN 9780702042904 , 2013 , Michael E. Aulton, Kevin M. G. Taylor
Cities of Tomorrow: An Intellectual History of Urban Planning and Design in the Twentieth Century
ISBN 9780631232520 , 2002
The digital designer: the graphic artist's guide to the new media
ISBN 9780823013463 , 1997 , Steven Heller, Daniel Drenman
China and the Developing World: Beijing's Strategy for the Twenty-First Century
ISBN 9780765617132 , 2007 , Joshua Eisenman, Eric Heginbotham, Derek Mitchell,m.fl.
Twentieth-century Jewellery: From Art Nouveau to Comtemporary Design in Europe and the United States
ISBN 9788861305328 , 2009
Structural Design for Fire Safety
ISBN 9780471890607 , 2001 , Andrew H. Buchanan
China and the developing world: Beijing's strategy for the twenty-first century
ISBN 9780765617125 , 2007 , Joshua Eisenman, Eric Heginbotham, Derek Mitchell
Architecture in the 20th Century
ISBN 9783822811627 , 2005 , Peter Gössel, Gabriele Leuthäuser
Escher Graphic Basic Art Album No
ISBN 9783822813133 , 2004 , M. C. Escher
Theory and Design for Mechanical Measurements
ISBN 9780470646182 , 2011 , Richard S. Figliola, Donald E. Beasley
Nuclear physics in the 21st century: International Nuclear Physics Conference, INPC 2001 : Berkeley, California, 30 July-3 August 2001
ISBN 9780735400566 , 2002 , Eric B. Norman, Lee Stewart Schroeder,m.fl.
The fall of giants: the century trilogy
ISBN 9780451232588 , 2011 , Ken Follett