Søk: 'Heritage: Management, Interpretation, Identity'
Management Research
ISBN 9780857021168 , 2012
Media, Gender, and Identity: An Introduction
ISBN 9780415189606 , 2002 , David Gauntlett
An Introduction to Human Resource Management
ISBN 9781446255841 , 2013 , Nick Wilton
Introduction to Materials Management:
ISBN 9781292021089 , 2013 , Lloyd M. Clive, J. R.Tony Arnold
Events Management
ISBN 9780750665339 , 2006
Symbolic Interactionism: An Introduction, an Interpretation, An Integration
ISBN 9780132276917 , 2006 , Joel M. Charon
Purchasing and Supply Chain Management
ISBN 9781408088463 , 2014 , Arjan Van Weele
Chosen peoples: sacred sources of national identity
ISBN 9780192100177 , 2003
Financial Institutions Management: a Risk Management Approach
ISBN 9780071289559 , 2010 , Anthony Saunders, Marcia Millon Cornett
The Interpretation of Cultures: Selected Essays
ISBN 9780465097197 , 1977 , Clifford Geertz
Sales Force Management: 11th Edition
ISBN 9780415534628 , 2013 , 11. utgave
Slack: Operations Management MyOMLab Pack
ISBN 9780273776291 , 2013 , Nigel Slack, Robert Johnston
International Financial Management
ISBN 9780132842983 , 2011 , Geert Bekaert, Robert J. Hodrick
Museum Europa: the European cultural heritage between economics and politics
ISBN 9788276346039 , 2003 , J. Peter Burgess
Marketing Management
ISBN 9780132102926 , 2011 , Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller
Social and Personal Identity: Understanding Yourself
ISBN 9780761944881 , 2004 , Derek Layder
Retailing management
ISBN 9780073381046 , 2008 , Michael Levy, Barton A. Weitz
Fassbinder's Germany: History, Identity, Subject
ISBN 9789053561843 , 1996 , Thomas Elsässer
Fassbinder's Germany: History Identity Subject
ISBN 9789053560594 , 1996 , Thomas Elsässer
Organizing Identity: Persons and Organizations After Theory
ISBN 9781412900126 , 2007 , Paul Du Gay
Social and Personal Identity: Understanding Yourself
ISBN 9780761944898 , 2004 , Derek Layder
Total Facilities Management
ISBN 9781405186599 , 2009 , Brian Atkin, Adrian Brooks
Consumption and Identity at Work
ISBN 9780803979284 , 1995 , Paul Du Gay
Consumption and Identity at Work
ISBN 9780803979277 , 1995 , Paul Du Gay
Being Danish: Paradoxes of Identity in Everyday Life - Second Edition
ISBN 9788763538411 , 2012 , 2. utgave
Adolescent Psychological Development: Cognition, Morality, and Identity
ISBN 9781848728615 , 2011 , David Moshman
Heritage and Prophecy: Grundtvig and the English-speaking World
ISBN 9788772884479 , 1993 , A.M. Allchin, David Jasper,m.fl.
International Financial Management
ISBN 9780132162760 , 2011 , Geert Bekaert, Robert J. Hodrick
Financial Management
ISBN 9780538745581 , 2010 , William L. Megginson, John Graham, Scott B. Smart
Operations Management
ISBN 9780135111437 , 2010 , Jay Heizer