Søk: 'History of the Present: Essays, Sketches, and Dispatches from Europe in the 1990s'
The EU and Neighbors: A Geography of Europe in the Modern World
ISBN 9780471655541 , 2007 , Brian W. Blouet
Virtue, Commerce, and History: Essays on Political Thought and History, Chiefly in the Eighteenth Century
ISBN 9780521276603 , 1985 , James Tully, Quentin Skinner, Lorraine Daston,m.fl.
Latin American civilization: history and society, 1492 to the present
ISBN 9780813336237 , 2000 , Benjamin Keen
The Population of Europe
ISBN 9780631218814 , 2000 , Massimo Livi Bacci
Essays in International Litigation and the Conflict of Laws
ISBN 9780198265665 , 1996 , Lawrence Collins
Africa Since 1940: The Past of the Present
ISBN 9780521776004 , 2002 , Frederick Cooper
History of Europe, Ancient and Medieval: Earliest Man, the Orient, Greece and Rome
ISBN 9781143257810 , 2010 , James Harvey Robinson, James Henry Breasted
History of Europe, Ancient and Medieval: Earliest Man, the Orient, Greece and Rome
ISBN 9781143573095 , 2010 , James Harvey Robinson, James Henry Breasted
Selected Tales and Sketches (the Best Short Stories of Nathaniel Hawthorne)
ISBN 9781420928518 , 2007 , Nathaniel Hawthorne
Activating the citizen: dilemmas of participation in Europe and Canada
ISBN 9780230575943 , 2009 , Joan DeBardeleben, Jon H. Pammett
Cyclopaedia of English Literature: A Selection of the Choicest Productions of English Authors; From the Earliest to the Present Time, Connected by a Critical and Biographical History
ISBN 9781144252685 , 2010 , Anonymous
Reclaiming the History of Ethics: Essays for John Rawls
ISBN 9780521472401 , 1997 , Christine Marion Korsgaard, Andrews Reath,m.fl.
The Social Fabric: American life from the Civil War to the present
ISBN 9780321333810 , 2006 , Thomas L. Hartshorne
A Pocket History of Europe
ISBN 9781903499450 , 2008 , Vivian Durham
Macrohistory: Essays in The Sociology of The Long Run
ISBN 9780804736008 , 1999 , Randall Collins
Politics and Economics in the History of the European Union
ISBN 9780415329415 , 2005 , Alan S. Milward
Politics and Economics in the History of the European Union
ISBN 9780203391310 , 2005 , Alan S. Milward
An Architectural Progress in the Renaissance and Baroque Sojourns in and Out of Italy: Essays in Architectural History
ISBN 9780915773077 , 1992 , Henry A. Millon, Susan Clare Scott
The Past, the Present, and the Future of the European Union
ISBN 9788200128106 , 1997 , Roy Jenkins
Connections in the History and Systems of Psychology
ISBN 9780618415120 , 2004 , Billy Michael Thorne, Tracy B. Henley
The Disappearing Spoon: And Other True Tales of Madness, Love, and the History of the World from the Periodic Table of the Elements
ISBN 9780552777506 , 2011 , Sam Kean
A Place in the Sun: Africa in Italian Colonial Culture from Post-unification to the Present
ISBN 9780520232341 , 2003 , Patrizia Palumbo
The United States and Europe in the Twentieth Century
ISBN 9780582308640 , 2003 , David Ryan
The Lands Between: A History of Eastern Europe, 1815-1968
ISBN 9780571258963 , 2011 , Alan Palmer
The Anthropology of Europe: identity and boundaries in conflict
ISBN 9780854969043 , 1996 , Josep R. Llobera, Cris Shore, Victoria A. Goddard
Ending the Vietnam War: a history of America's involvement in and extrication from the Vietnam War
ISBN 9780743215329 , 2003 , Henry A. Kissinger
A History of Western Philosophy and Its Connection With Political and Social Circumstances from the Earliest Times to the Present Day
ISBN 9780671201586 , 1986 , Bertrand Russell
Politics and Culture in Early Modern Europe: Essays in Honour of H. G. Koenigsberger
ISBN 9780521527026 , 2002 , Phyllis Mack, Margaret C. Jacob
The Gentle Art of Faking: A History of the Methods of Producing Imitations & Spurious Works of Art from the Earlies Times Up to the Present Day
ISBN 9781589632769 , 2001 , Riccardo Nobili
Democracy in the New Europe
ISBN 9781403913029 , 2006 , Christopher Lord, Erika Harris