Søk: 'Islam'
The Muslim family : a study of women's rights in Islam
ISBN 9788200224204 , 1997 , Tove Stang Dahl
Bin Laden i våre hjerter: globaliseringen og fremveksten av politisk islam
ISBN 9788243004023 , 2007 , Osama Bin Laden, Alexander Leborg
The West and Islam: Western Liberal Democracy Versus the System of Shura
ISBN 9780415444385 , 2007 , Mishal Fahm al-Sulami
Elementary Education and Motivation in Islam: Perspectives of Medieval Muslim Scholars, 750-1400 CE
ISBN 9781604977103 , 2010 , Eeqbal Hassim
America and Political Islam: Clash of Cultures Or Clash of Interests?
ISBN 9780521639576 , 1999 , Fawaz A. Gerges
The borders of Islam: exploring Huntington's faultlines, from Al-Andalus to the virtual ummah
ISBN 9781850659730 , 2009 , Stig Jarle Hansen, Atle Mesoy, Tuncay Kardas
Women and Gender in Islam: Historical Roots of a Modern Debate
ISBN 9780300055832 , 1993 , Leila Ahmed
The West and Islam: Western Liberal Democracy Versus the System of Shura
ISBN 9780415316347 , 2003 , Mishal Al-Sulami
A world of difference: Islam and gender hierarchy in Turkey
ISBN 9781856491853 , 1992 , Julie Marcus
A world of difference: Islam and gender hierarchy in Turkey
ISBN 9781856491860 , 1992 , Julie Marcus
Islam bak sløret: muslimsk liv og lære sett fra innsiden
ISBN 9788230202852 , 2004 , Oddvar Nilsen, Ergun Mehmet Caner,m.fl.
Islam and the Myth of Confrontation: Religion and Politics in the Middle East
ISBN 9781860648687 , 2003 , Fred Halliday
Scripture, Reason, and the Contemporary Islam-West Encounter: Studying the "Other," Understanding the "Self"
ISBN 9781403975355 , 2007 , Steven Kepnes, Basit Bilal Koshul
A Sense of Siege: The Geopolitics of Islam and the West
ISBN 9780813321493 , 1995 , Graham E. Fuller, Ian O. Lesser
Democracy, human rights, and Islam in modern Iran: psychological, social, and cultural perspectives
ISBN 9788276749229 , 2003 , Henriette Sinding Aasen, Uichol Kim, Shirin Ebadi
Islam and Other Religions: Pathways to Dialogue : Essays in Honour of Mahmoud Mustafa Ayoub
ISBN 9780415368698 , 2005
Den muslimske familie: en undersøkelse av kvinners rett i Islam
ISBN 9788200217152 , 1992 , Tove Stang Dahl
A History of the Jews of Arabia: From Ancient Times to Their Eclipse Under Islam
ISBN 9781570038853 , 2009 , Gordon Darnell Newby
Genealogies of religion: discipline and reasons of power in Christianity and Islam
ISBN 9780801846328 , 1993 , Talal Asad
Den muslimske familie: en undersøkelse av kvinners rett i islam
ISBN 9788213020411 , 1992 , Tove Stang Dahl
Afghanistan og Taliban: islam, olje og det nye store spillet i Sentral-Asia
ISBN 9788205304512 , 2002 , Ahmed Rashid
The Islamist: why I joined radical Islam in Britain, what I saw inside and why I left
ISBN 9780141030432 , 2007 , Ed Husain
Two Worlds of Islam: Interaction Between Southeast Asia and the Middle East
ISBN 9780813012087 , 1993 , Fred Von Der Mehden
A history of the Sudan: from the coming of Islam to the present day
ISBN 9780582368866 , 2000 , M. W. Daly, P. Peter Malcolm Holt
An Introduction to Shi´i Islam: The History and Doctrines of Twelver Shi´ism
ISBN 9780300035315 , 1987 , Moojan Momen
A Judgement on the House of Islam Divided: Or the Errant Schisms of Sunni and Shi'i
ISBN 9780953917402 , 2000 , Zainul Abedin Patel
Seeing the Light of World Faith: Passages from the Scriptures of Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Baha'I
ISBN 9788120720831 , 2000 , Alan Bryson
Covering Islam: How the Media and the Experts Determine how We See the Rest of the World
ISBN 9780679758907 , 1997 , Edward W Said
Religious Freedom and the Position of Islam in Western Europe: Opportunities and Obstacles in the Acquisition of Equal Rights (with an Extensive Bibli
ISBN 9789039000656 , 1995 , P. Sj. van Koningsveld, Wasif A. R. Shadid
Slik straffer Islam: en gjennomgang av straffelovgivning og straffeutmåling basert på Koranen og Sharia'en, slik det fungerer i en rekke land i dag
ISBN 9788279210030 , 1998 , Mohammad Iqbal Siddiqi