Søk: 'Media, Gender and Identity'
Complexity, Difference and Identity: An Ethical Perspective
ISBN 9789048191864 , 2010
On Becoming Cuban: Identity, Nationality, and Culture
ISBN 9780807858998 , 2008 , Louis A. Pérez
Media discourses: analysing media texts
ISBN 9780335214709 , 2005
Tactical Media
ISBN 9780816651511 , 2009 , Rita Raley
Media Convergence: Networked Digital Media in Everyday Life
ISBN 9780230228948 , 2011 , Sherman Young
Young people and new media: childhood and the changing media environment
ISBN 9780761964667 , 2002 , Sonia Livingstone, Moira Bovill
Gender Regimes, Citizen Participation and Rural Restructuring
ISBN 9780762314201 , 2007 , Bettina B. Bock, Ildiko Asztalos Morell
Identity and Violence: The Illusion of Destiny
ISBN 9780141027807 , 2007 , Amartya K. Sen
Identity In Adolescence
ISBN 9780203346860 , 2004 , Jane Kroger
Media Literacy
ISBN 9781412979450 , 2010
Communities of Practice: Learning, Meaning, and Identity
ISBN 9780521663632 , 1999
Talking Difference: On Gender and Language
ISBN 9780803988286 , 1995 , Mary E. Crawford
Media and modernity - a social theory of the media
ISBN 9780745610054 , 1995 , John B. Thompson
Appropriation as Practice: Art and Identity in Argentina
ISBN 9781403973146 , 2007 , Arnd Schneider
Communications, Media, Globalization and Empire
ISBN 9780861966608 , 2006
Sport, Culture and the Media
ISBN 9780335210756 , 2003 , David Rowe
Multiculturalism, Postcoloniality, and Transnational Media
ISBN 9780813532356 , 2003 , Robert Stam, Ella Shohat
Russia's Foreign Policy: Change and Continuity in National Identity
ISBN 9780742567535 , 2010 , Andrei P. Tsygankov
Russia's Foreign Policy: Change and Continuity in National Identity
ISBN 9781442220010 , 2013 , Andrei P. Tsygankov
A Beginner's Guide to Language and Gender
ISBN 9781847690562 , 2008 , Allyson Julé
Veil: Mirror of Identity
ISBN 9780745643526 , 2009 , Christian Joppke
Gender, religion and diversity: cross-cultural perspectives
ISBN 9780826488459 , 2005 , Ursula King, Tina Beattie
Civil society and gender justice: historical and comparative perspectives
ISBN 9781845454371 , 2008
The Internet and the Mass Media
ISBN 9781412947350 , 2008 , Ruth Towse, Lucy Kung
Media, Politics And The Network Society
ISBN 9780335213153 , 2004 , Hassan, Robert
Globalization, development and the mass media
ISBN 9780761961611 , 2007 , Colin Sparks
Music, Space And Place: Popular Music And Cultural Identity
ISBN 9780754655749 , 2005 , Sheila Whiteley, Andy Bennett, Stan Hawkins
Identity in Adolescence
ISBN 9780415281065 , 2003 , Jane Kroger
Museums, Media and Cultural Theory
ISBN 9780335214204 , 2005 , Michelle Henning
Media Rights and Intellectual Property
ISBN 9780748618804 , 2005 , Richard Haynes