Søk: 'Methods Toward a Science of Behavior and Experience'
A Passage to Anthropology: Between Experience and Theory
ISBN 9780415129237 , 1995 , Kirsten Hastrup
Social Neuroscience : Toward Understanding the Underpinnings of the Social Mind: Toward Understanding the Underpinnings of the Social Mind
ISBN 9780195316872 , 2011 , Alexander B. Todorov, Deborah A. Prentice
Toward the Postmodern
ISBN 9781573925853 , 1998
Cross-cultural business behavior: a guide for global management
ISBN 9788215020235 , 2012 , Richard R. Gesteland
Methods and Theories of Art History
ISBN 9781856694179 , 2005 , Anne D'Alleva
A Passage to Anthropology: Between Experience and Theory
ISBN 9780415129220 , 1995 , Kirsten Hastrup
Animal Behavior
ISBN 9780128015322 , 2015
Microeconomics and Behavior
ISBN 9780071169479 , 2000 , Robert H. Frank, Amy J. Glass
Case study & computing: advanced qualitative methods in the study of human behavior
ISBN 9781567501322 , 1996 , Kathleen M. Carley, R.W. Lawler
Anthropological Locations: Boundaries and Grounds of a Field Science
ISBN 9780520206809 , 1997 , James Ferguson, Akhil, Gupta
Applied Behavior Analysis
ISBN 9781292023212 , 2013 , John O. Cooper, William L. Heward
The UX Book: Process and Guidelines for Ensuring a Quality User Experience
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Quantum Mechanics and Experience
ISBN 9780674741133 , 1994 , David Z. Albert
Animal Behavior
ISBN 9780123725813 , 2011 , Michael D. Breed, Janice Moore
Essentials of Polymer Science and Engineering
ISBN 9781932078756 , 2008 , Paul C. Painter, Michael M. Coleman
Case study & computing: advanced qualitative methods in the study of human behavior
ISBN 9781567501285 , 1995 , Robert Walter Lawler, Kathleen M. Carley
Principles of Radiographic Imaging: An Art and a Science
ISBN 9780766813014 , 2001 , Richard R. Carlton, Arlene McKenna Adler,m.fl.
Introductory Statistics and Random Phenomena: Uncertainty, Complexity, and Chaotic Behavior in Engineering and Science
ISBN 9780817640316 , 1998 , Wojbor Andrzej Woyczy?ski, Bernard Ycart,m.fl.
Researching Lived Experience: Human Science for an Action Sensitive Pedagogy
ISBN 9780920354421 , 1997
ISBN 9788120326378 , 2005 , S. K. Basu
International Tourism: Cultures and Behavior
ISBN 9780750678971 , 2009 , Yvette Reisinger
Handbook of Psychotherapy and Behavior Change
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Research Design and Methods: A Process Approach
ISBN 9780071113496 , 2003 , Kenneth S. Bordens
A Communion of Subjects: Animals in Religion, Science, And Ethics
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The Encyclopedia of Science, Technology, and Society: A-D
ISBN 9781579581510 , 1998 , Rudi R. Volti
Principles of Radiographic Imaging: An Art and a Science
ISBN 9780766813007 , 2000 , Richard R. Carlton, Arlene McKenna Adler
Science and Practice of Strength Training
ISBN 9780736056281 , 2006 , Vladimir Mihajlovic Zaciorskij,m.fl.
Beginning Radio and TV Newswriting: A Self-Instructional Learning Experience
ISBN 9781405160421 , 2009
Brain, Mind and Behavior
ISBN 9780716751847 , 2006 , Floyd E. Bloom, Arlyne Lazerson, Charles Nelson
Cloth and Human Experience
ISBN 9780874749953 , 1991