Søk: 'Nordic Folklore: Recent Studies'
American social studies
ISBN 9789144005041 , 1997 , Donald S. MacQueen
Case Studies In Nursing Ethics
ISBN 9780763780319 , 2010 , Sara T. Fry, Robert M. Veatch, Carol R. Taylor
Creating Nordic Capitalism: the business history of a competitive periphery
ISBN 9780230545533 , 2008 , Lars Thue, Susanna Fellman, Martin J. Iversen,m.fl.
The Palgrave Handbook of Childhood Studies
ISBN 9780230532618 , 2011 , Jens Qvortrup, Michael-Sebastian Honig
An Introduction to Music Studies
ISBN 9780521603805 , 2009 , Jim Samson, J. P. E. Harper-Scott
Audience Studies: A Japanese Perspective
ISBN 9780415800136 , 2009 , Toshie Takahashi
Nordic Nutrition Recommendations 2004 - 4th edition : Integrating Nutrition and Physical Activity
ISBN 9789289310628 , 2005 , 4. utgave , Nordisk Ministerråd, Nordisk Råd
The Routledge Companion to Landscape Studies
ISBN 9789780415099 , 2013 , Ian Thompson, Peter Howard
Frontiers of Ottoman Studies
ISBN 9781850436645 , 2004 , Rhoads Murphey, Colin Imber, Keiko Kiyotaki
Frontiers of Ottoman Studies
ISBN 9781850436317 , 2004 , Rhoads Murphey, Colin Imber, Keiko Kiyotaki
The Cultural Studies Reader
ISBN 9780415374132 , 2006 , Simon During
The Cultural Studies Reader
ISBN 9780415374125 , 2006 , Simon During
The Television Studies Reader
ISBN 9780415283236 , 2003 , Annette Hill, Robert Clyde Allen
The Television Studies Reader
ISBN 9780415283243 , 2003 , Annette Hill, Robert Clyde Allen
Chinese Foreign Investment Laws: Recent Developments Towards a Market Economy
ISBN 9789810242244 , 1999 , Zeng Huaqun,m.fl.
Action Theory and Communication Research: Recent Developments in Europe. (Mouton Textbook)
ISBN 9783110180817 , 2004 , Karsten Renckstorf, Denis McQuail,m.fl.
Emerging Local Securities and Derivatives Markets: Recent Developments and Policy Issues
ISBN 9781589062917 , 2004 , International Monetary Fund, Donald J. Mathieson
The Audience Studies Reader
ISBN 9780415254342 , 2002 , Professor Deborah Jermyn
Feminist Cultural Studies
ISBN 9781852787677 , 1995 , Terry Lovell
Critical Management Studies
ISBN 9780803984554 , 1992 , Mats Alvesson, Hugh Willmott
Business Studies for A-level
ISBN 9781444122756 , 2011 , Ian Marcouse, Malcolm Surridge, Andrew Gillespie,m.fl.
Case Studies in Corporate Finance
ISBN 9780956801425 , 2011 , Sudesh Sangray
Case Studies in Systemic Sclerosis
ISBN 9780857296405 , 2011 , Richard M. Silver, Christopher P. Denton
Handbook of Disability Studies
ISBN 9780761928744 , 2003 , Gary L. Albrecht, Michael Bury
Cultural Studies - The Basics
ISBN 9780761963257 , 2002 , Jeff Lewis
Food and Cultural Studies
ISBN 9780415270397 , 2002 , Joanne Hollows, Bob Ashley, Ben Taylor,m.fl.
Handbook of Citizenship Studies
ISBN 9780761968580 , 2002 , Engin F Isin, Bryan S Turner
An Introduction to Television Studies
ISBN 9780415419185 , 2008 , Jonathan Bignell
The Routledge International Handbook of Globalization Studies
ISBN 9780415686082 , 2011
Europeanization and Transnational States: Comparing Nordic Central Governments
ISBN 9780415299787 , 2003 , Bengt Jacobsson, Per Laegried, Ove K. Pedersen