Søk: 'Of Paradise and Power: America and Europe in the New World Order'
Armed forces and political power in Eastern Europe: the Soviet/Communist control system
ISBN 9780313277238 , 1992 , Bradley R. Gitz
Borderlines in a Globalized World: New Perspectives in a Sociology of the World-System
ISBN 9781402005152 , 2002 , Gerhard Preyer, Mathias Bös
Islam and Public Controversy in Europe
ISBN 9781472413130 , 2013 , Nilufer Gole
From Versailles To Pearl Harbor: The Origins of the Second World War in Europe and Asia
ISBN 9780333738405 , 2001 , Margaret Lamb, Nicholas Tarling
From Versailles to Pearl Harbor: The Origins of the Second World War in Europe and Asia
ISBN 9780333738399 , 2001 , Margaret Lamb, Nicholas Tarling
The Anthropology of Europe: identity and boundaries in conflict
ISBN 9780854969012 , 1994 , Josep R. Llobera, Cris Shore, Victoria A. Goddard
Asia, America, and the Transformation of Geopolitics
ISBN 9780511372575 , 2007
Chieftains and Power in the Icelandic Commonwealth
ISBN 9788778380562 , 1999 , Jon Vioar Sigurosson
Scars of Sweet Paradise: The Life and Times of Janis Joplin
ISBN 9781860497292 , 2001 , Alice Echols
History of Nations and Nationalism in Europe
ISBN 9781855675100 , 2000 , Guy Hermet
American Hegemony and the Postwar Reconstruction of Science in Europe
ISBN 9780262612258 , 2008
Annual Bulletin of Housing and Building Statistics for Europe and North America: 1994
ISBN 9789210163040 , 1997 , Economic Commission for Europe
An anthropology of the European Union: building, imagining and experiencing the new Europe
ISBN 9781859733295 , 2000 , Irene Bellier, Thomas M. Wilson
The Art and Archaeology of the Greek World
ISBN 9780500051665 , 2012 , Richard T. Neer
America As Second Creation: Technology and Narratives of New Beginnings
ISBN 9780262140812 , 2003 , David Edwin Nye
A New Gazetteer of the World
ISBN 9787119024141 , 1999 , Liang Liangxing
History of Europe and the Middle East
ISBN 9780199180776 , 2010 , David Smith, Richard Jones-Nerzic, David Keys,m.fl.
Confronting Historical Paradigms: Peasants, Labor, and the Capitalist World System in Africa and Latin America
ISBN 9780299136840 , 1993 , Frederick Cooper, Allen F. Isaacman,m.fl.
America, the UN and Decolonisation
ISBN 9780415510103 , 2011 , John Kent
New Europe in the Changing Global System, A
ISBN 9789280809343 , 1997 , United Nations University, Richard A. Falk,m.fl.
Annual Bulletin of Housing and Building Statistics for Europe and North America: 1993
ISBN 9789210162975 , 1995 , Economic Commission for Europe
Political Economy and the Changing Global Order
ISBN 9780195419894 , 2005
America: The New Imperialism: From White Settlement to World Hegemony
ISBN 9781844675227 , 1978
America And The Challenges Of Religious Diversity
ISBN 9780691119762 , 2005
Europe and England in the Sixteenth Century
ISBN 9780415150408 , 1998 , Terence Alan Morris
A Voyage Long and Strange: Rediscovering the New World
ISBN 9780719566363 , 2009 , Tony Horwitz
Ancient Civilizations of the New World
ISBN 9780813313832 , 1997 , Richard E. W. Adams
Annual Bulletin of Housing and Building Statistics for Europe and North America: 1992
ISBN 9789210162777 , 1994 , Economic Commission for Europe
Soft Power: The Means to Success in World Politics
ISBN 9781586483067 , 2005 , Jr. Nye Joseph S.
American Hegemony and the Postwar Reconstruction of Science in Europe
ISBN 9780262112970 , 2006