Søk: 'Peace and Conflict: The South Asian Experience'
Stability and Conflict in the Social Order
ISBN 9780205060634 , 1978 , Thomas H. Oatley, D. Stanley Eitzen
Leadership: Enhancing the Lessons of Experience
ISBN 9780073405049 , 2008 , Gordon Curphy, Robert Ginnett
Creating Experiences in the Experience Economy
ISBN 9781847209306 , 2008 , Jon Sundbo, Per Darmer
Religion and development: conflict or cooperation?
ISBN 9781403997906 , 2007 , Jeffrey Haynes
Industrialisation and Trade Union Organization in South Africa, 1924-1955: The Rise and Fall of the South African Trades and Labour Council
ISBN 9780521317580 , 2011 , Jon Lewis
Citizenship and Social Movements: Perspectives from the Global South
ISBN 9781848133891 , 2009
South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland
ISBN 9781741041620 , 2004 , Gemma Pitcher, Becca Blond, Jane Cornwell,m.fl.
Researching Children's Experience
ISBN 9780761971030 , 2005 , Sheila Greene
China Rising: Peace, Power, and Order in East Asia
ISBN 9780231141895 , 2009 , David C. Kang
Amnesty, Human Rights and Political Transitions: Bridging the Peace and Justice Divide
ISBN 9781841137711 , 2008
The Elements of User Experience: User-centered Design for the Web and Beyond
ISBN 9780321683687 , 2010 , Jessie James Garrett
Conflict and displacement: international politics in the developing world
ISBN 9788388463365 , 2004 , Andrzej Bolesta
Contemporary Conflict Resolution: The Prevention, Management and Transformation of Deadly Conflicts
ISBN 9780745649740 , 2011 , Hugh Miall, Oliver Ramsbotham
Asian Honey Bees: Biology, Conservation, And Human Interactions
ISBN 9780674021945 , 2006 , Benjamin P. Oldroyd, Siriwat Wongsiri,m.fl.
African pastoralism: conflict, institutions and government
ISBN 9780745317878 , 2001 , M. A. Mohamed Salih, Abdel Ghaffar Mohamed Ahmed
The Nobel Peace Prize: What Nobel Really Wanted
ISBN 9780313387449 , 2010 , Fredrik S. Heffermehl
Ethnic Conflict and Religion: Challenge to the Churches
ISBN 9782825411902 , 1997 , Theo Tschuy,m.fl.
Going to the Movies: Holywood and the Social Experience of Cinema
ISBN 9780859898126 , 2007 , Richard Maltby, Melvyn Stokes, Robert C. Allen
Going to the movies: Hollywood and the social experience of cinema
ISBN 9780859898119 , 2007 , Richard Maltby, Melvyn Stokes, Robert C. Allen
Asian meals in minutes
ISBN 9781863962391 , 2001 , Australian Women's Weekly
Social conflict: escalation, stalemate, and settlement
ISBN 9780072855357 , 2003 , Dean G. Pruitt, Jeffrey Z. Rubin, Sung Hee Kim
Citizenship and Social Movements: Perspectives from the Global South
ISBN 9781848133884 , 2009
Women and the National Experience: Sources in Women's History : Combined Volume
ISBN 9780205743155 , 2010 , Ellen A. Skinner
Asian Americans: emerging minorities
ISBN 9780137904860 , 2000 , Roger Daniels, Harry H. L. Kitano
Fracturing Resemblances: Identity And Mimetic Conflict In Melanesia And The West
ISBN 9781571816801 , 2005 , Simon Harrison
Claude Henry, the Iditarod Mouse: And the Great South African Adventure
ISBN 9780595489848 , 2008
The Experience Economy + DVD: a new perspective
ISBN 9789043012683 , 2007 , Ed Peelen, Albert Boswijk, Thomas Thijssen,m.fl.
Women in Islam: The Western Experience
ISBN 9780203164457 , 2003 , Anne-Sofie Roald
Paving the Way for Peace: The Living Philosophies of Bishnois and Jains
ISBN 9788188629237 , 2004 , Herma Brockmann, Renato Pichler
Understanding Global Conflict and Cooperation: An Introduction to Theory and History
ISBN 9780205877386 , 2012 , David A. Welch, Joseph S Nye, Jr.