Søk: 'Questioning Qualitative Inquiry: Critical Essays'
A Companion to Qualitative Research
ISBN 9780761973751 , 2004 , Uwe Flick, Ernst von Kardorff, Ines Steinke
Qualitative Psychology: Introducing Radical Research
ISBN 9780335213498 , 2004 , Ian Parker
Nineteenth Century Art: A Critical History
ISBN 9780500289242 , 2011 , Stephen F. Eisenman, Thomas E. Crow
Essays 1975-2004
ISBN 9788203187735 , 2004 , Liv Køltzow
Om litteratur: essays
ISBN 9788210049378 , 2004 , Umberto Eco
Qualitative Methodology for International Public Health
ISBN 9789172643260 , 2007
Hanif Kureishi Collected Essays
ISBN 9780571249831 , 2011 , Hanif Kureishi
Critical Thinking: An Introduction
ISBN 9781107401983 , 2011 , Alec Fisher
Understanding Tourism: A Critical Introduction
ISBN 9781412922784 , 2010 , Kevin Hannam, Dan Knox
Qualitative Interviewing: The Art of Hearing Data
ISBN 9781412978378 , 2011 , Herbert J. Rubin, Irene S. Rubin
Methods for Critical Discourse Analysis
ISBN 9781847874559 , 2009 , Michael Meyer, Ruth Wodak
Critical Care Nursing: A Holistic Approach
ISBN 9781451146271 , 2012 , Patricia Gonce Morton, Dorrie K. Fontaine
InterViews: Learning the Craft of Qualitative Research Interviewing
ISBN 9780761925422 , 2008 , Steinar Kvale, Svend Brinkmann
Conceptualizing and Proposing Qualitative Research
ISBN 9780131702868 , 2005 , Thomas Schram
Qualitative Research Design for Software Users
ISBN 9780335225217 , 2008 , Silvana Di Gregorio, Judith Davidson
Sosiologiske essays
ISBN 9788253014418 , 1988 , Dag Østerberg, Talcott Parsons
Qualitative Research Design: An Interactive Approach: An Interactive Approach
ISBN 9781412981194 , 2012 , Joseph A. Maxwell
Work Organisations: A Critical Approach
ISBN 9780230522220 , 2009 , David McHugh, Paul B. Thompson
Journalism: A Critical History
ISBN 9780761941002 , 2004 , Martin Conboy
Small Wonder: Essays
ISBN 9780571215768 , 2002 , Barbara Kingsolver
Qualitative Research Design for Software Users
ISBN 9780335225200 , 2008 , Silvana Di Gregorio, Judith Davidson
On Liberty & Oth Essays Owc Pb
ISBN 9780199535736 , 2008 , John Gray, John Stuart Mill
Corporate Responsibility: A Critical Introduction
ISBN 9780199209095 , 2008 , Alan Murray, Michael Blowfield, Mick Blowfield
Research Design (International Student Edition): Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches
ISBN 9781452274614 , 2013 , John W. Creswell
Doing Qualitative Research in Education Settings
ISBN 9780791455043 , 2002 , J.Amos Hatch
Political Islam: a critical reader
ISBN 9780415560283 , 2010
Critical Thinking: A Student's Introduction with PowerWeb: Critical Thinking
ISBN 9780072979015 , 2004 , William Irwin, Gregory Bassham, Henry Nardone,m.fl.
Qualitative Research Design for Software Users
ISBN 9780335237555 , 2009 , DI GREGORIO
Environment and Society: A Critical Introduction
ISBN 9781405187602 , 2010 , Paul Robbins, John Hintz, Sarah A. Moore
Questioning the Secular State: The Worldwide Resurgence of Religion in Politics
ISBN 9781850652410 , 1995 , David Westerlund