Søk: 'Religion in the Contemporary World: A Sociological Introduction'
Feminism in the Study of Religion
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Folklore and the Internet: Vernacular Expression in a Digital World
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Adaptive Thinking:Rationality in the Real World: Rationality in the Real World
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A History of the World In 10 1/2 Chapters
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Careers in Psychology: Opportunities in a Changing World
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Land Tenure in Village Ceylon: A Sociological and Historical Study
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The Ancient World in the Cinema
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Philosophy of Art: Contemporary Introduction
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Gods in the Global Village: The World's Religions in Sociological Perspecti
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Religion in Modern Europe: A Memory Mutates
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Contemporary Politics in the Middle East
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A Culture of Conspiracy: Apocalyptic Visions in Contemporary America
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Respect in a World of Inequality
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Reason & Religious Belief: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion
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The Practice Turn in Contemporary Theory
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World Englishes: An Introduction
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Recent Releases: The Bible in Contemporary Cinema
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Introduction to Philosophy: Classical and Contemporary Readings
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Legal Research Methods in a Modern World: A Coursebook
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The Insider/Outsider Problem in the Study of Religion: A Reader
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The world is flat : a brief history of the globalized world in the twenty-f
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History of the Modern World
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Sociological Theory
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Matter and Consciousness: A Contemporary Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind
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The Shape of the World: A place in the world? Places, culture and globalization
ISBN 9780198741916 , 1995 , James Anderson, John Allen, Chris Brook,m.fl.
Sociological footprints: introductory readings in sociology
ISBN 9780534588427 , 2002 , Leonard Cargan, Jeanne H. Ballantine
Personal Life: New Directions in Sociological Thinking
ISBN 9780745639178 , 2007 , Carol Smart
Studyguide for Contemporary Sociological Theory by Wallace & Wolf, ISBN 9780137876563: 0137876564
ISBN 9781428814950 , 2006 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews, Ruth A. Wallace,m.fl.
Democratic Policing in a Changing World
ISBN 9781594515453 , 2008 , Peter K. Manning
Studying Religion: An Introduction Through Cases
ISBN 9780072986198 , 2005 , Gary E. Kessler