Søk: 'Site-Specificity in Art: the Ethnographic Turn'
Gardner's Art Through the Ages
ISBN 9780534641245 , 2004 , Fred S. Kleiner, Dame Helen Gardner,m.fl.
The art of the expressionists
ISBN 9780752511016 , 1995
Art Past Art Present
ISBN 9780136015413 , 2008 , Katheryn M. Linduff, David G. Wilkins,m.fl.
The Art of Psychotherapy
ISBN 9780415903028 , 1999 , Anthony Storr
The Carer's Handbook: What to Do and Who to Turn To
ISBN 9780862423667 , 2004 , Marina Lewycka
The Rules of Art
ISBN 9780745617787 , 1996 , Pierre Bourdieu
A Guide to the Works of Art in New York City
ISBN 9781103222216 , 2009 , Florence Nightingale Levy
Performance Art: From Futurism to the Present
ISBN 9780500204047 , 2011 , RoseLee Goldberg
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Art
ISBN 9781107614444 , 2014 , Richard Eldridge
Gardner's Art Through the Ages
ISBN 9780495803751 , 2009 , Fred S. Kleiner
Gardner's Art Through the Ages
ISBN 9781439081518 , 2009 , Fred S. Kleiner
Gardner's Art Through the Ages
ISBN 9781439081525 , 2009 , Fred Kleiner
Gardner's Art Through the Ages
ISBN 9780495792970 , 2009 , Fred Kleiner
Mastering the Art of Drawing
ISBN 9781845613617 , 2007
Hacking: The Art of Exploitation
ISBN 9781593271442 , 2007 , Jon Erickson
The Handbook of Art Therapy
ISBN 9781583917923 , 2006 , Tessa Dalley
Turn Pnt Kit-Ess Abn Psy 4e
ISBN 9780495120506 , 2005 , DURAND, BARLOW
Site Engineering for Landscape Architects, 5th Edition, w/ Web
ISBN 9780470138144 , 2009 , 5. utgave , Steven Strom, Jake Woland
A Guide to the Works of Art in New York City
ISBN 9781141260409 , 2010 , Florence Nightingale Levy
A Guide to the Works of Art in New York City
ISBN 9781141716524 , 2010 , Florence Nightingale Levy
A History of Gothic Art in England
ISBN 9781142996246 , 2010 , Edward Schroder Prior
An Enquiry into Industrial Art in England
ISBN 9780521170659 , 2010 , Nikolaus Pevsner
Automated Web Site Evaluation: Researchers' and Practitioners' Perspectives
ISBN 9781402016721 , 2003 , Melody Y. Ivory
Wondrous Difference: Cinema, Anthropology, and Turn-Of-The-Century Visual Culture
ISBN 9780231116978 , 2002 , Alison Griffiths
Wondrous Difference: Cinema, Anthropology, and Turn-Of-The-Century Visual Culture
ISBN 9780231116961 , 2002 , Alison Griffiths
The Complete Dictionary of Symbols: In Myth, Art and Literature
ISBN 9781844830138 , 2004 , Jack Tresidder
The Knowing-doing Gap: How Smart Companies Turn Knowledge Into Action
ISBN 9781578511242 , 1999 , Robert I. Sutton
Zen and the Art of Consciousness
ISBN 9781851687985 , 2011 , Susan Blackmore
Vision and Art: The Biology of Seeing
ISBN 9780810995543 , 2008 , Margaret Livingstone, David Hubel, Abrams
Gardner's art through the ages
ISBN 9780155050907 , 2005 , Helen Gardner, Christin J. Mamiya,m.fl.