Søk: 'Television and New Media Audiences'
The Television Studies Reader
ISBN 9780415283243 , 2003 , Annette Hill, Robert Clyde Allen
Understanding Media Economics
ISBN 9781412930772 , 2013 , Gillian Doyle
The Hybrid Media System: Politics and Power
ISBN 9780199759484 , 2013 , Andrew Chadwick
Understanding Social Media
ISBN 9781446201213 , 2013 , Sam Hinton, Larissa Hjorth
Multiskilling for Television Production
ISBN 9780240515571 , 2000 , Peter Ward, Alan Bermingham, Chris Wherry
The Television Will be Revolutionized
ISBN 9780814752203 , 2007 , Amanda D. Lotz
Living in the Information Age: a new media reader
ISBN 9780534590499 , 2001 , Erik Bucy
The Media Welfare State: Nordic Media in the Digital Era
ISBN 9780472052158 , 2014 , Trine Syvertsen, Gunn Sara Enli, Hallvard Moe,m.fl.
Arab media: power and weakness
ISBN 9780826428363 , 2008 , Kai Hafez
Digital Storytelling in the Classroom: New Media Pathways to Literacy, Learning, and Creativity
ISBN 9781741705225 , 2007 , Jason Ohler
Television Drama: Form, Agency, Innovation
ISBN 9780230545519 , 2009 , Trisha Dunleavy
Comparing Media Systems: Three Models of Media and Politics
ISBN 9780521835350 , 2004 , Daniel C. Hallin, Paolo Mancini, Robert M. Entman,m.fl.
Beverly Hills, 90210: Television, Gender, and Identity
ISBN 9780812216233 , 1997 , E. Graham McKinley
Young People, Ethics, and the New Digital Media: A Synthesis from the GoodPlay Project
ISBN 9780262513630 , 2009 , Howard Gardner, Carrie James, Katie Davis,m.fl.
Media ownership: research and regulation
ISBN 9781572736856 , 2008
The Media and Social Theory
ISBN 9780415447997 , 2008 , Jason Toynbee
New ways to teach using cable television: a step-by-step guide
ISBN 9780803965638 , 1997 , Randi Stone
Conglomerates and the Media
ISBN 9781565843868 , 1997 , Patricia Aufderheide
The Business of Media: Corporate Media and the Public Interest
ISBN 9781412913157 , 2005 , David Croteau, William Hoynes
An Introduction to Television Studies
ISBN 9780415419185 , 2008 , Jonathan Bignell
Mass Media and Media Policy in Western Europe
ISBN 9780719031977 , 1996
Live television: time, space and the broadcast event
ISBN 9780761959090 , 2007 , Stephanie Marriott
Museums, Media and Cultural Theory
ISBN 9780335214198 , 2005 , Michelle Henning
Media, Technology and Society
ISBN 9780415142298 , 1998
Beverly Hills, 90210: Television, Gender, and Identity
ISBN 9780812234091 , 1997 , E.Graham McKinley
Media, Culture and Society: An Introduction
ISBN 9781412920537 , 2010 , Paul Hodkinson
Television: an international history
ISBN 9780198742494 , 1998 , Anthony Smith, Richard Paterson
Media discourses: analysing media texts
ISBN 9780335214693 , 2005
America's right turn: how Conservatives used new and alternative media to take power
ISBN 9781566252522 , 2004
A Handbook of Media and Communication Research: Qualitative ...
ISBN 9780415609661 , 2011 , Klaus Bruhn Jensen