Søk: 'The Evolution of Logic'
Mutation and Evolution
ISBN 9780792349716 , 1998 , Ronny C Woodruff, James N Thompson, JR
Global Political Economy: Evolution and Dynamics
ISBN 9781137287373 , 2013 , Robert O'Brien, Marc Williams
History, Evolution and the Concept of Culture: Selected Papers by Alexander Lesser
ISBN 9780521277365 , 2009 , Sidney Wilfred Mintz
Logic in Linguistics
ISBN 9780521291743 , 1977 , P. Austin, J. Bresnan, B. Comrie, W. Dressler,m.fl.
Foundations of the Formal Sciences II: Applications of Mathematical Logic in Philosophy and Linguistics
ISBN 9781402011542 , 2003 , Benedikt Löwe, Wolfgang Malzkorn, Thoralf Räsch
Evolution and Social Psychology
ISBN 9781841694177 , 2006 , Joseph P. Forgas, Mark Schaller,m.fl.
Chaplin and American Culture: The Evolution of a Star Image
ISBN 9780691028606 , 1991 , Charles J. Maland
CMOS Logic Circuit Design
ISBN 9780792384526 , 1999
Digital Logic Design Principles
ISBN 9780471293514 , 2001 , Norman Balabanian, Bradley Carlson
Introduction to Biological Evolution
ISBN 9780073050775 , 2007 , Kenneth V. Kardong
Language, proof, and logic
ISBN 9781889119083 , 2000 , Jon Barwise, John Etchemendy, Gerard Allwein,m.fl.
Vertebrates Comparative Anatomy, Function, Evolution
ISBN 9780073040585 , 2008 , Kenneth V. Kardong
A Brief Text-Book of Logic and Mental Philosophy
ISBN 9781596053045 , 2005 , Charles Coppens Reverend
VHDL for programmable logic
ISBN 9780201895735 , 1996 , Kevin Skahill, Jay Legenhausen
Computational Intelligence: Synergies of Fuzzy Logic, Neural Networks Intelligent Systems and Applications
ISBN 9781118337844 , 2013 , Nazmul Siddique, Hojjat Adeli
Digital Principles and Logic Design
ISBN 9781934015032 , 2007 , N. Manna, Arjit Saha
Socratic logic: a logic text using Socratic method, Platonic questions & Aristotelian principles
ISBN 9781890318895 , 2004 , Peter J. Kreeft, Trent Dougherty
Bioinformatics and Molecular Evolution
ISBN 9781405106832 , 2004
The Language of First-Order Logic, Including the Macintosh Program Tarski's World 4.0
ISBN 9780937073995 , 1993 , Jon Barwise, John Etchemendy
Evolution and Genetics for Psychology
ISBN 9780199231515 , 2009 , Daniel Nettle
Vertebrates: Comparative Anatomy, Function, Evolution
ISBN 9780073524238 , 2011 , Kenneth V. Kardong
Evolution: What the Fossils Say and Why It Matters
ISBN 9780231139625 , 2007 , Donald R. Prothero
Formal logic - a guided tour
ISBN 9788274771888 , 2004 , Herman Ruge Jervell
Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals
ISBN 9780131911659 , 2004 , M. Morris Mano, Charles R. Kime
Discrete Structures, Logic, and Computability
ISBN 9780763718435 , 2002 , 2. utgave , James L. Hein
The Ambient Century: From Mahler to Trance - The Evolution of Sound in the Electronic Age
ISBN 9780747542131 , 2000 , Mark Prendergast
Deep Time: Cladistics, the Revolution in Evolution. Henry Gee
ISBN 9780007291540 , 2008 , Henry Gee
The Imitative Mind: Development, Evolution and Brain Bases
ISBN 9780521806855 , 2002 , Andrew N. Meltzoff, Paul Harris,m.fl.
Dancing with the Sacred: Evolution, Ecology, and God
ISBN 9781563383939 , 2002 , Karl Edward Peters
Continuities in Cultural Evolution
ISBN 9780765806048 , 1999 , Margaret Mead, Stephen E. Toulmin