Søk: 'The Globalization and Development Reader: Perspectives on Development and Global Change'
The Millennium Development Goals and Human Rights
ISBN 9781107515246
The Origins and Development of the English Language
ISBN 9781428231481 , 2009 , John Algeo, Thomas Pyles
Economic Development
ISBN 9781408284476 , 2011 , Michael P. Todaro, Stephen C. Smith
Climate and Global Environmental Change
ISBN 9780582322615 , 1999
Secure and Resilient Software Development
ISBN 9781439826966 , 2010 , Mark S. Merkow, Lakshmikanth Raghavan
Adult Development and Aging
ISBN 9780534344238 , 1996 , John C. Cavanaugh
Studyguide for Organization Development and Change by Worley, Cummings &, ISBN 9780324260601
ISBN 9780324260601 , 2006 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews,m.fl.
Globalization and European Welfare States: Challenges and Change
ISBN 9780333792391 , 2001 , Jo Campling, Robert Sykes, Bruno Palier,m.fl.
Prosperity and Violence: The Political Economy of Development
ISBN 9780393933833 , 2009 , Robert H. Bates
Capitalist Development and Democracy
ISBN 9780226731445 , 1992 , Dietrich Rueschemeyer, Evelyne Huber Stephens,m.fl.
The Handbook of Local and Regional Development
ISBN 9780415548311 , 2010 , Andy Pike, John Tomaney, Andres Rodriguez-Pose
The Policing of Terrorism: Organizational and Global Perspectives
ISBN 9780203860380 , 2009
Adult Development and Aging
ISBN 9780697105035 , 1995 , William J. Hoyer, John M. Rybash, Paul A. Roodin
Women, Culture and Development
ISBN 9780198289173 , 1995 , Jonathan Glover, Martha C. Nussbaum
Child Development
ISBN 9780205197668 , 2012 , Laura E. Berk
Reading Development and Dyslexia
ISBN 9781897635858 , 1994 , Charles J. Hulme, Margaret J. Snowling
The Gender Question in Globalization: Changing Perspectives and Practices
ISBN 9780754673224 , 2007 , Tine Davids, Francien Th. M. van Driel
Economic Development
ISBN 9781292002972 , 2014 , Michael P. Todaro, Stephen Smith (économiste).)
Globalization and international social work: postmodern change and challenge
ISBN 9780754649465 , 2008 , Gurid Aga Askeland, Malcolm Payne
Product Innovation: Leading Change through Integrated Product Development
ISBN 9780521066013 , 2008 , David L. Rainey
Proximity, Distance And Diversity: Issues On Economic Interaction And Local Development
ISBN 9780754640745 , 2005 , Arnoud Lagendijk, Päivi Oinas
Environment, Health and Sustainable Development
ISBN 9780335218417 , 2006 , Megan Landon
Decolonizing development: colonial power and the Maya
ISBN 9781405157063 , 2008 , Joel Wainwright
Sport: Development, Coaching and Fitness
ISBN 9780435465155 , 2007 , Wendy Davies, Mark Adams, Nick Wilmot, Ray Barker,m.fl.
Theories And Practices Of Development
ISBN 9780415300537 , 2005 , Katie Willis
Accounting, management control and institutional development
ISBN 9788202444839 , 2014 , Olov Olson, Anatoli Bourmistrov
The Policing of Terrorism: Organizational and Global Perspectives
ISBN 9780415875400 , 2010
Innovation Management and New Product Development
ISBN 9780273736561 , 2011 , Paul Trott
Energy At The Crossroads: Global Perspectives And Uncertainties
ISBN 9780262693240 , 2005 , Vaclav Smil
Development Theory and the Three Worlds
ISBN 9780582005594 , 1990 , Bjorn Hettne