Søk: 'The Meaning and End of Religion'
Childhood's End
ISBN 9780330487696 , 2002 , Arthur Charles Clarke
An Introduction to the Sociology of Religion: Classical And Contemporary Perspectives
ISBN 9780754656586 , 2006 , Pål Repstad, Inger. Furseth
Religion and the People of Western Europe 1789-1990
ISBN 9780192892836 , 1997 , Hugh McLeod
Islam and the Myth of Confrontation: Religion and Politics in the Middle East
ISBN 9781860648687 , 2003 , Fred Halliday
The Routledge Companion to the Study of Religion
ISBN 9780415333115 , 2005 , John R. Hinnells
The Church of Scientology: A History of a New Religion
ISBN 9780691158051 , 2013 , Hugh B. Urban
A Demonstration of the Divine Authority of the Law of Nature and of the Christian Religion (1681)
ISBN 9781436544207 , 2008 , Samuel Parker
Myth and the Christian Nation: A Social Theory of Religion
ISBN 9781845533724 , 2008 , Burton L. Mack
Jamaica Genesis: Religion and the Politics of Moral Orders
ISBN 9780226032849 , 1997 , Diane J.Austin- Broos, Raymond T. Smith
Jamaica Genesis: Religion and the Politics of Moral Orders
ISBN 9780226032863 , 1997 , Diane J.Austin- Broos, Raymond T. Smith
A Complete Catechism of the Catholic Religion
ISBN 9781117025599 , 2009
The Location of Religion: A Spatial Analysis
ISBN 9781844657490 , 2005 , Kim Knott
How to Do Things with Art: The Meaning of Art's Performativity
ISBN 9783037641040 , 2010 , Hans-Ulrich Obrist, Karen Marta
Contemporary Theories of Religion
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End This Depression Now!
ISBN 9780393088779 , 2012 , Paul Krugman
River's End
ISBN 9780749931599 , 2000 , Nora Roberts
Economics and Utopia: Why the Learning Economy is Not the End of History
ISBN 9780415075060 , 1998 , Geoffrey Martin Hodgson, Geoff Hodgson
Religion and Civil Society: Rethinking Public Religion in the Contemporary World
ISBN 9780754613398 , 2003 , David Herbert
A Reader in the Anthropology of Religion
ISBN 9780631221135 , 2002 , Michael Lambek
Abel's Proof: An Essay on the Sources and Meaning of Mathematical Unsolvability
ISBN 9780262162166 , 2003 , Peter Pesic
And the Thunder Said Da: Stories of Dharma in the Mythology, Philosophy, and Religion of India.
ISBN 9780595489343 , 2008 , Ashok Kara
A Demonstration Of The Divine Authority Of The Law Of Nature And Of The Christian Religion (1681)
ISBN 9780548702987 , 2007 , Samuel Parker
Politics and Religion
ISBN 9780745628196 , 2003 , Steve Bruce
Mediatization and Religion: Nordic Perspectives
ISBN 9789186523442 , 2012 , Mia Lovheim
Psychology, Poverty, and the End of Social Exclusion: Putting Our Practice to Work
ISBN 9780807751251 , 2010 , Laura Smith
The Balkans: From the End of Byzantium to the Present Day
ISBN 9781842125441 , 2002 , Mark Mazower
Religion: The Social Context
ISBN 9780534541262 , 2002 , Meredith B. McGuire
A Confusion of the Spheres: Kierkegaard and Wittgenstein on Philosophy and Religion
ISBN 9780199229826 , 2007 , Genia Schonbaumsfeld
Apocalypse How: Turn the End-Times Into the Best of Times!
ISBN 9780762432332 , 2008 , Rob Kutner
Psychology of Religion: Classic and Contemporary
ISBN 9780471037064 , 1997 , David M. Wulff