Søk: 'The Mughal Empire'
A History of the British Merchant Navy: Masters under God : makers of empire, 1816-1884
ISBN 9780752448206 , 2009 , Richard Woodman
From Subject to Citizen: The Second Empire and the Emergence of Modern Modern French Democracy
ISBN 9780691058481 , 1998 , Dr Sudhir Hazareesingh
Empire of the Summer Moon: Quanah Parker and the Rise and Fall of the Comanches, the Most Powerful Indian Tribe in American History
ISBN 9781400146550 , 2010 , S.C. Gwynne, David Drummond
Empire of the Summer Moon: Quanah Parker and the Rise and Fall of the Comanches, the Most Powerful Indian Tribe in American History
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Empire of the Summer Moon: Quanah Parker and the Rise and Fall of the Comanches, the Most Powerful Indian Tribe in American History
ISBN 9781400116553 , 2010 , S.C. Gwynne, David Drummond
Pathways After Empire: National Identity and Foreign Economic Policy in the Post-Soviet World
ISBN 9780742516731 , 2001 , Andrei P. Tsygankov
Empire and Globalisation: Networks of People, Goods and Capital in the British World, c.1850-1914
ISBN 9780521727587 , 2010 , Gary Bryan Magee, Andrew Stuart Thompson
Pathways after empire: national identity and foreign economic policy in the post-Soviet world
ISBN 9780742516724 , 2001 , Andrei P. Tsygankov
Empire State.: A Powerful, Propulsive Piece of Thriller Writing.
ISBN 9780752857879 , 2003 , Henry Porter
Myths of empire: domestic politics and international ambition
ISBN 9780801497643 , 1993 , Jack L. Snyder
Analytical Biomechanics
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Hellenism and Empire: Language, Classicism, and Power in the Greek World, Ad 50-250
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Biography of an Empire: Governing Ottomans in an Age of Revolution
ISBN 9780520266353 , 2010
Christians and Jews in the Ottoman Empire: The central lands. v. 2. The Arabic-speaking lands
ISBN 9780841905191 , 1982 , Bernard Lewis
An Economic History of Imperial Madagascar, 1750-1895: The Rise and Fall of an Island Empire
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Mission to Civilize: The Republican Idea of Empire in France & West Africa, 1895-1930
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Arabs and Young Turks: Ottomanism, Arabism, and Islamism in the Ottoman Empire, 1908-1918
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General Chemistry: The Essential Concepts
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Britain's Imperial Century 1815-1914: A Study of Empire and Expansion
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A History of the Later Roman Empire: From Arcadius to Irene (395 A. D. to 800 A. D. )
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Lord Hailey, the Colonial Office and the Politics of Race and Empire in the Second World War: The Loss of White Prestige
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Dido's Daughters: Literacy, Gender, and Empire in Early Modern England and France
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Dido's Daughters: Literacy, Gender, and Empire in Early Modern England and France
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The Element Encyclopedia of Secret Signs and Symbols: The Ultimate A-Z Guide from Alchemy to the Zodiac
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History of the Modern World
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Gibbon's History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, in Six Volumes, Quarto, Abridged in Two Volumes, Octavo Volume 1 of 2
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Empire romain: des étrusques au déclin de l'Empire
ISBN 9783822817773 , 2004 , Henri Stierlin
The Monks of the West, from St. Benedict to St. Bernard: Dedication. Introduction. Book I. the Roman Empire After the Peace of the Church. Book II. Monastic Precursors in the East. Book III. Monastic Precursors in the West. 1861
ISBN 9781143554889 , 2010 , Charles Forbes Montalembert, Aurelien Courson
A Programmer's Guide to Java Certification: A Comprehensive Primer
ISBN 9780321556059 , 2008 , Khalid Azim Mughal, Rolf Rasmussen
Literature for the English classroom: theory into practice
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