Søk: 'The Social Contract'
Qualitative Research Methods for the Social Sciences: International Edition
ISBN 9780205668106 , 2009 , Bruce L. Berg, Bruce L. (Bruce Lawrence) Berg
Social Work Practice: A Generalist Approach
ISBN 9780205755165 , 2009 , Stephen J. Yanca, Louise C. Johnson
Social Security in the 21st Century
ISBN 9780631225874 , 2001 , Erling Steigum, Agnar Sandmo, Bertil Holmlund
Tourism: Rethinking the Social Science of Mobility
ISBN 9780582327894 , 2004 , C. Michael Hall
The Digital Divide: The Internet and Social Inequality in International Perspective
ISBN 9780415525442 , 2013 , Massimo Ragnedda, Glenn W. Muschert
The Cosmopolitan Imagination: The Renewal of Critical Social Theory
ISBN 9780521695459 , 2009 , Gerard Delanty
Social Anthropology in Perspective: The Relevance of Social Anthropology
ISBN 9780521313513 , 1985
Managing construction purchasing: contract buyout, QA/QC methods, negotiation strategies
ISBN 9780876293164 , 1993
The Good Research Guide: For Small-Scale Social Research Projects: for small-scale social research projects
ISBN 9780335241385 , 2010 , Martyn Denscombe
Human Rights and Social Justice: Social Action and Service for the Helping and Health Professions
ISBN 9781412938730 , 2008 , Joseph Wronka
Social Psychology Pack
ISBN 9780273764694 , 2013
Ethics, Accountability and the Social Professions
ISBN 9780333751664 , 2003 , Jo Campling, Sarah Banks
Social Psychology
ISBN 9780131786868 , 2005 , Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert,m.fl.
Social Problems
ISBN 9780132433396 , 2007 , John J. Macionis
Social Psychology
ISBN 9781841694092 , 2007 , Eliot R. Smith, Diane M. Mackie
Law, Anthropology, and the Constitution of the Social
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Social Surveys
ISBN 9780761973386 , 2002 , David de Vaus
Philosophy of Social Science
ISBN 9780813345925 , 2012 , Alexander Rosenberg
The Logic of Social Control
ISBN 9780306434754 , 1990 , Allan V. Horwitz
Social Media Marketing: The Next Generation of Business Engagement
ISBN 9780470634035 , 2010 , Dave Evans, Susan Bratton
Introducing Multilingualism: A Social Approach
ISBN 9780415609975 , 2012 , Jean Jacques Weber, Kristine Horner
Case Studies and Theory Development in the Social Sciences
ISBN 9780262572224 , 2005 , Alexander L. George, ALEXANDER L AUTOR GEORGE,m.fl.
Social Psychology: The Heart and the Mind
ISBN 9780060402945 , 1994 , Elliot Aronson, Timothy D. Wilson, Robin M. Akert
Social work and the law: proceedings of the National Organization of Forensic Social Work, 2000
ISBN 9780789015471 , 2002 , Anne Chambers, Ellen Levin, Gila Nordman,m.fl.
The Third Way: The Renewal of Social Democracy
ISBN 9780745622675 , 1998 , Anthony Giddens
The Social Psychology of Consumer Behaviour
ISBN 9780335207220 , 2002 , Zeynep Gurhan-Canli, Joseph R. Priester,m.fl.
Social Cognition: An Integrated Introduction
ISBN 9781446210529 , 2014 , Ngaire Donaghue, Martha Augoustinos
Social Traps and the Problem of Trust
ISBN 9780521612821 , 2005 , Bo Rothstein
Social Traps and the Problem of Trust
ISBN 9780521848299 , 2005 , Robert E. Goodin, Carole Pateman, Bo Rothstein,m.fl.
The Social Psychology of Exercise and Sport
ISBN 9780335216185 , 2005 , Nikos Chatzisarantis, Martin Hagger