Søk: 'Urban Renaissance: Glasgow Lessons for Innovation and Implementation'
Art, Memory, and Family in Renaissance Florence
ISBN 9780521643009 , 2000 , Patricia Lee Rubin, Giovanni Ciappelli
Think, Play, Do: Technology, Innovation, and Organization
ISBN 9780199268092 , 2005 , Mark Dodgson, Ammon Salter
Democratic Innovation: Deliberation, Representation and Association
ISBN 9780415234429 , 2000 , Michael Saward
Art in Renaissance Italy
ISBN 9781856692663 , 2001 , John T. Paoletti, Gary M. Radke
Lessons of Empire: Imperial Histories And American Power
ISBN 9781595580078 , 2006 , Frederick Cooper, Kevin W. Moore
Cities, Economic Competition and Urban Policy
ISBN 9781853963254 , 1998
Innovation: the five disciplines for creating what customers want
ISBN 9780307336699 , 2006 , Curtis Ray Carlson, William W. Wilmot
Drama Lessons in Action
ISBN 9780952222422 , 1997 , Antoinette Line, John Nicholas
Database Systems: A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation, and Management
ISBN 9780321523068 , 2009 , Thomas Connolly, Carolyn Begg
The Embedded Internet: TCP/IP Basics, Implementation and Applications
ISBN 9780321306388 , 2007 , Sergio Scaglia
Urban Economics and Real Estate Markets
ISBN 9780132252447 , 1995
The Management of Technological Innovation: Strategy and Practice
ISBN 9780199208531 , 2008 , Mark Dodgson, Ammon Salter
Leonardo to the Internet: Technology and Culture from the Renaissance to the Present
ISBN 9781421401539 , 2011 , Thomas J. Misa
Marketing management: analysis, planning, implementation, and control
ISBN 9780135562673 , 1988 , Philip Kotler
Banks, palaces, and entrepreneurs in Renaissance Florence
ISBN 9780860784845 , 1995 , Richard A. Goldthwaite
Strategic Management of Technological Innovation
ISBN 9780071326445 , 2013
The Glasgow Edition of the Works and Correspondence of Adam Smith: ...
ISBN 9780865970083 , 1982 , Andrew S. Skinner, R.H. Campbell, W.B. Todd,m.fl.
Art in Renaissance Italy
ISBN 9780810913905 , 2001 , John T. Paoletti, Gary M. Radke
Innovation, Path Dependency, and Policy: The Norwegian Case
ISBN 9780199551552 , 2009 , Jan Fagerberg, Bart Verspagen
Database Processing: Fundamentals, Design & Implementation
ISBN 9780131971042 , 2006 , David M. Kroenke
Modern Compiler Implementation in C
ISBN 9780521607650 , 2004 , Andrew W. Appel, Maia Ginsburg
The Renaissance: A Very Short Introduction
ISBN 9780192801630 , 2006 , Jerry Brotton
Studyguide for Innovation and Entrepreneurship by Bessant & Tidd, ISBN 9780470032695: 9780470032695 0470032693
ISBN 9781428866065 , 2009 , Cram101 Textbook Reviews
Creating East and West: Renaissance Humanists and the Ottoman Turks
ISBN 9780812219760 , 2006 , Nancy Bisaha
Information and Communication Technology in Organizations: Adoption, Implementation, Use and Effects
ISBN 9781412900904 , 2005 , Harry Bouwman, Bart Van Den Hooff,m.fl.
Teaching students with dyslexia and dysgraphia: lessons from teaching and science
ISBN 9781557669346 , 2009 , Virginia Wise Berninger, Beverly J. Wolf
Regional and Urban GIS: A Decision Support Approach
ISBN 9781606233368 , 2009 , Timothy L. Nyerges, Piotr Jankowski
Implementation Handbook for the Convention on the Rights of the Child
ISBN 9789280641837 , 2008
First Lessons in Grammar and How to Teach Them
ISBN 9781116921700 , 2009 , T. Frazer
First Lessons in Grammar and How to Teach Them
ISBN 9781116921694 , 2009 , T. Frazer