Søk: 'workshop'
IEEE/SEMI 1996 Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing Conference and Workshop: ASMC 96 Proceedings : Theme, Innovative Approaches to Growth in the Semiconductor Industry, November 12-14, 1996, Cambridge, Massachusetts
ISBN 9780780333710 , 1997 , IEEE
Applications of Computational Mechanics in Geotechnical Engineering: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Applications of Geotechnical Engineering, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 29-31 July 1991
ISBN 9789054103486 , 1994 , E.A. Vargas, R.F. Azevedo, L.M. Ribeiro e Sousa,m.fl.
The Social Construction of Technological Systems: New Directions in the Sociology and History of Technology. [Papers of a Workshop Held at the University of Twente, The Netherlands, in July 1984]
ISBN 9780262521376 , 1989 , Trevor Pinch, Wiebe E. Bijker, W.E. et al Bijker,m.fl.
Beam injection assessment of defects in semiconductors: proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Beam Injection Assessment of Defects in Semiconductors (BIADS 98), held in Parkhotel Schloss Wulkow near Berlin, Germany, August 30-September 3, 1998
ISBN 9783908450399 , 1998
Air pollution reference measurement methods and systems: Proceedings of the international workshop, Bilthoven, December 12-16, 1977 / organised by the National Institute of Public Health, Bilthoven, The Netherlands and co-sponsored by the World Health ...
ISBN 9780080874616 , 1978 , Tonny Schneider, H. W. de Koning, L. J. Brasser