Søk: 'Economics of Social Issues'
Digitized Lives: Culture, Power and Social Change in the Internet Era
ISBN 9780415819312 , 2014 , T.V. Reed
Imperfect knowledge economics: exchange rates and risk
ISBN 9780691121604 , 2007 , Roman Frydman, Michael D. Goldberg,m.fl.
Blown to bits: how the new economics of information transforms strategy
ISBN 9780875848778 , 1999 , Thomas S. Wurster
Statistics for Management and Economics
ISBN 9780534515843 , 1996 , Gerald Keller, Brian Warrack, Henry Bartel
Study Guide for Economics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets, Alternate Edition
ISBN 9780321426154 , 2006 , Frederic S. Mishkin, Edward Gamber, David Hakes
Introduction to Social Psychology
ISBN 9780733982477 , 2007 , Michael A. Hogg, Graham M. Vaughan
Social Cognition: Key Readings
ISBN 9780863775901 , 2005 , David Lewis Hamilton
An Introduction to Sociology and Social Policy in Health and Social Care
ISBN 9781906052256 , 2011 , Tina Tilmouth, Ian Llewellyn-Nash
Global Transformations: Politics, Economics, and Culture
ISBN 9780804736275 , 1999 , David Goldblatt, David Held, Jonathan Perraton,m.fl.
Exploring Social Psychology
ISBN 9780071188326 , 2000 , Myers
Social Beings: A Core Motives Approach to Social Psychology
ISBN 9780471654223 , 2003
An Introduction to Climate Change Economics and Policy
ISBN 9781844078103 , 2009
Social Research: The Basics
ISBN 9780761973676 , 2004 , Matthew David, Carole D. Sutton
Industrial development in Tanzania: some critical issues
ISBN 9789171062543 , 1987 , Rune Skarstein, Samuel M. Wangwe
Mediating Social Science
ISBN 9780803975774 , 1997 , Alan Bryman
Mediating Social Science
ISBN 9780803975767 , 1997 , Alan Bryman
A Century of Revolution: Social Movements in Iran
ISBN 9780816624881 , 1994 , John Foran
Clashing Views on Controversial Issues in American History
ISBN 9780073031880 , 1999
Environmental Economics and Natural Resource Management Third Edition
ISBN 9780415779043 , 2010 , 3. utgave , David A. Anderson
Environmental Economics and Natural Resource Management Third Edition
ISBN 9780203855553 , 2010 , 3. utgave , David A. Anderson
The Economics, Organization and Management
ISBN 9780132246507 , 1992 , Paul Robert Milgrom, John Roberts
The Social Dimensions of Climate Change: Equity and Vulnerability in a Warming World
ISBN 9780821378878 , 2009 , Robin Mearns
Connected: The Amazing Power of Social Networks and How They Shape Our Lives
ISBN 9780007303601 , 2011 , Nicholas A. Christakis, James H. Fowler
Basic Statistics for Business and Economics
ISBN 9780072983975 , 2005 , Douglas A. Lind, William G. Marchal,m.fl.
Introduction to International Economics, Study Guide
ISBN 9780471709725 , 2005 , Dominick Salvatore
Managerial Economics: Theory, Applications, and Cases
ISBN 9780393927504 , 2005 , 6. utgave , Edwin Mansfield
Risk Analysis in Engineering and Economics
ISBN 9781584883951 , 2003 , Bilal M. Ayyub
Social Work Processes with Infotrac
ISBN 9780534365592 , 2004 , Burt Galaway, Barry Cournoyer,m.fl.
Statistics for Management and Economics SG
ISBN 9780534391911 , 2002 , Keller
Introduction to Social Research: Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches
ISBN 9781446240939 , 2013 , Keith F. Punch