Søk: 'Affirmative Action'
Collective action in the European Union: interests and the new politics of associability
ISBN 9780415159746 , 1997
Politics as Rational Action: Essays in Public Choice and Policy Analysis
ISBN 9789027710406 , 1980 , Evert Vedung, Leif Lewin
Collective Action in the European Union: Interest and the New Politics of Associability :
ISBN 9780415159753 , 1997 , Professor Justin Greenwood
The Theory of Communicative Action: Volume 1: Reason and the Rationalization of Society
ISBN 9780807015070 , 1992 , Jeurgen Habermas
A Bias for Action: How Effective Managers Harness Their Willpower, Achieve Results and Stop Wasting Time
ISBN 9781591394082 , 2004 , Sumantra Ghoshal, Heike Bruch
A Little More Conversation, a Little Less Action, Please: Rethinking Learning Games for Organisational Development and Adult Education
ISBN 9783838355283 , 2010 , Thomas Duus Henriksen
Approaches to Studying World-Situated Language Use: Bridging the Language-As-Product and Language-As-Action Traditions
ISBN 9780262701044 , 2004 , John C. Trueswell, Michael K. Tanenhaus
Learning for action: a short definitive account of soft systems methodology and its use for practitioner, teachers, and students
ISBN 9780470025543 , 2006 , Peter Checkland, John Poulter
Manoeuvring in an environment of uncertainty: structural change and social action in sub-Saharan Africa
ISBN 9780754611943 , 2000 , Boel Berner
Analysis and design of advanced multiservice networks supporting mobility, multimedia, and internetworking: COST action 279 final report
ISBN 9780387281728 , 2005 , Jose Brazio, Kurt Tutschku, Sabine Wittevrongel,m.fl.
Allegories of action: truth and ethics in Melville, Dickens, Henry James and Paul de Man
ISBN 9788200126782 , 1999 , Erik Bjerck Hagen
CD-ROM for Clinical Wisdom and Interventions in Critical Care: A Thinking-In-Action Approach
ISBN 9780721675121 , 1999
A Buyer's Market: Global Trade, Southern Poverty and Northern Action; Trade, Aid and Debt
ISBN 9780855982805 , 1994 , David Dalton
Approaches To Studying World-Situated Language Use: Bridging The Language-as-Product And Language-as-Action Traditions
ISBN 9780262201490 , 2004 , John C. Trueswell, Michael K. Tanenhaus
The Great Book of Modern Warplanes: Featuring Full Technical Descriptions and Battle Action from Baghdad to Belgrade ...
ISBN 9780760308936 , 2002 , Mike Spick, Bill Sweetman, Michael J Gething,m.fl.
The art of social relations: essays on culture, social action and everyday life in modern Norway
ISBN 9788200216520 , 1992 , Marianne Gullestad
Best Practices in the Implementation of the Brussels Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2001-2010
ISBN 9789211045918 , 2008
Closing the Gap in a Generation: Health Equity Through Action on the Social Determinants of Health : Commission on Social Determinants of Health Final Report
ISBN 9789241563703 , 2008 , World Health Organization
The Art of Social Relations: Essays on Culture, Social Action and Everyday Life in Modern Norway
ISBN 9788213028677 , 1992 , Marianne Gullestad
Covert Action: Central Intelligence Agency and the Limits of American Intervention in the Post-War World
ISBN 9781850430896 , 1988 , Gregory Treverton
ARM - Arm Rehabilitation Measurement: manual for performance and scoring of the Fugl-Meyer test (arm section) Action Research Arm test. Box-and-Block test
ISBN 9783935176422 , 2005 , Thomas Platz, Cosima Pinkowski,m.fl.
It Services Portfolio Management Best Practice Handbook: Planning, Implementing, Maximizing Return on Investment of Strategic It Portfolio Management - Ready to Use Bringing Theory Into Action
ISBN 9781921523519 , 2008 , Ivanka Menken, Gerard Blokdijk
The Action Heroine's Handbook: How to Win a Catfight, Drink Someone Under the Table, Choke a Man With Your Bare Thighs, and Dozens of Other TV and Movie Skills
ISBN 9781931686686 , 2003 , Jennifer Worick, Joe Borgenicht
Action for biodiversity in the UK: a seminar organised by the Joint Nature Conservation Committee and the Department of the Environment, at the Royal Geographical Society, London, 13-14 May 1993
ISBN 9781873701492 , 1993 , F.J. Wright, C.A. Galbraith, R. Bendall