Søk: 'Agile Project Management with SCRUM'
Advanced Management Accounting
ISBN 9781292026596 , 2013 , Robert S. Kaplan, Anthony A. Atkinson
Strategy Process (Global Edition) with Airline:A Strategic Management Simulation
ISBN 9780582833142 , 2003 , Mintzberg, Jr. Smith, Jr.
Investments and portfolio management
ISBN 9780071289146 , 2011 , Zvi Bodie, Alex Kane, Alan J. Marcus
Marketing Management
ISBN 9780131457577 , 2006 , Philip Kotler, KEVIN LANE AUTOR KELLER
Engineering Design: A Project Based Introduction
ISBN 9780470225967 , 2008 , Clive L. Dym, Patrick Little
International Financial Management
ISBN 9781408088456 , 2014 , Jeff Madura
Early Project Appraisal: Making the Initial Choices
ISBN 9780230273245 , 2010 , Knut Samset
Physical Management for Neurological Conditions: [Formerly Physical Management in Neurological Rehabilitation]
ISBN 9780702054693 , 2013 , Maria Stokes, Emma Stack
Farm Management
ISBN 9780071086561 , 2011 , Ronald D. Kay, Patricia A. Duffy
Healthcare Management
ISBN 9780335243815 , 2011
Online Course Pack:Marketing Management:International Edition/Operations Management/Companion Website with GradeTracker Student Access Card:Operations Management 5e
ISBN 9781408207048 , 2008 , 5. utgave , Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller, Nigel Slack,m.fl.
The Wiley Guide to Project Control
ISBN 9780470226841 , 2007 , Jeffrey K. Pinto
Management and Cost Accounting 8E
ISBN 9781408041802 , 2012 , 8. utgave , Colin Drury
Multipack: Corporate Financial Management with CD with Spreadsheet Modelling in Fundamentals of Corp Finance
ISBN 9780582842991 , 2003 , Arnold, Holden
Study Guide for Use with Production and Operations Management
ISBN 9780072392791 , 2000 , Nicholas J. Aquilano, Richard B. Chase,m.fl.
International Financial Management
ISBN 9781408032299 , 2011 , Jeff Madura, Roland Fox, A. Fox
Modern Construction: Lean Project Delivery and Integrated Practices
ISBN 9781420063127 , 2010 , Lincoln H. Forbes, Rizwan Farooqui,m.fl.
Management Science Modeling
ISBN 9781111532451 , 2011 , Wayne L. Winston
Reputation Management
ISBN 9783642192654 , 2011 , Sabrina Helm, Christopher Storck
E-Business and E-Commerce Management 3e with Companion Website with Gradetracker Instructor Access Card
ISBN 9781405847070 , 2006 , 3. utgave , Dave Chaffey
University Physics with Modern Physics with MasteringPhysics
ISBN 9780321675460 , 2011 , Hugh D. Young, Lewis Ford
University Physics with Modern Physics with MasteringPhysics
ISBN 9780321501318 , 2007 , Hugh D. Young, Albert Lewis Ford,m.fl.
Supply Chain Management: Global Edition
ISBN 9780273765226 , 2012
Arts Management
ISBN 9780415423915 , 2009 , Derrick Chong
Introducing Research Methodology: A Beginner's Guide to Doing a Research Project
ISBN 9781849207812 , 2011 , Uwe Flick
The Migrant Project: Contemporary California Farm Workers
ISBN 9780826344076 , 2008 , Rick Nahmias, Dolores Huerta
Management Control Systems
ISBN 9780077133269 , 2014 , Frank G.H. Hartmann, Kalle Kraus, Goran Nilsson
Global Strategic Management
ISBN 9781133953265 , 2013 , Mike W. Peng
Project 4.0; informasjonsteknologi, modul 2A
ISBN 9788243701335 , 1996 , Rune Kjelvik, Jon Gunnar Pettersen
Introduction to modern marketing management
ISBN 9788274775350 , 2011 , Fred Selnes