Søk: 'Belgrade and beyond: the CSCE process in perspective'
Conceptualizing Cultural and Social Dialogue in the Euro-Mediterranean Area: A European Perspective
ISBN 9780415371292 , 2007 , Michelle Pace, Tobias Schumacher
Beyond GI: The GL List
ISBN 9781405095488 , 2006
Beyond Genre: Melodrama, Comedy and Romance in Hollywood Films
ISBN 9780906506172 , 2000 , Jill Hollis
Foundations of Communication Policy: Principles and Process in the Regulation of Electronic Media
ISBN 9781572733435 , 2001 , Philip M. Napoli
Beyond Black
ISBN 9780007268375 , 2008 , Hilary Mantel
Hollywood Beyond the Screen: Design and Material Culture
ISBN 9781859733219 , 2000 , Anne Massey
The Handbook of Innovation and Services: A Multi-Disciplinary Perspective
ISBN 9781849803748 , 2011 , Faïz Gallouj, Faridah Djellal
Personality Development In Adolescence: A Cross National and Lifespan Perspective
ISBN 9780415135061 , 1998 , Anna Louise von der Lippe,m.fl.
Discrimination in Latin America: An Economic Perspective
ISBN 9780821378359 , 2009 , Hugo Ñopo, Alberto Chong, Andrea Moro
Research and design methods: a process approach
ISBN 9780072887648 , 2005 , Kenneth S. Bordens, Bruce B. Abbott
Beyond Evidence-Based Psychotherapy: Fostering the Eight Sources of Change in Child and Adolescent Treatment
ISBN 9780415993364 , 2008
Child Poverty in Historical Perspective: From 1900 to the Present
ISBN 9780415339483 , 2008 , Lucinda Platt
Beyond the Regulation Approach: Putting Capitalist Economies in Their Place
ISBN 9781847203199 , 2006
Research Design and Methods: A Process Approach
ISBN 9780071287500 , 2007 , Kenneth S. Bordens, Bruce Barrington Abbott
Discrete Mathematics: Elementary and Beyond
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Discrete Mathematics: Elementary and Beyond
ISBN 9780387955858 , 2003 , László Lovász, József Pelikán,m.fl.
Between Artifacts and Texts: Historical Archaeology in Global Perspective
ISBN 9780306455568 , 1998
Beyond the word: reconstructing sense in the Joyce era of technology, culture, and communication
ISBN 9780802006301 , 1995
Process Dynamics and Control, 2nd Edition
ISBN 9780471000778 , 2004 , 2. utgave , Duncan A. Mellichamp, Thomas F. Edgar,m.fl.
American Foreign Policy: Pattern And Process
ISBN 9780534603373 , 2005 , Charles W. Kegley
A Pest in the Land: New World Epidemics in a Global Perspective
ISBN 9780826328717 , 2003 , Suzanne Austin Alchon
Mass mediations: New approaches to popular culture in the Middle East and beyond
ISBN 9780520219267 , 2000
Beyond Globalization: Making New Worlds in Media, Art, and Social Practices
ISBN 9780813551531 , 2011
Beyond Globalization: Making New Worlds in Media, Art, and Social Practices
ISBN 9780813551548 , 2011
Changing institutions in the European Union: a public choice perspective
ISBN 9781843765158 , 2004 , Giuseppe Eusepi, Friedrich Schneider
Metabolic Regulation: A Human Perspective
ISBN 9781405183598 , 2010
Research Design and Methods: A Process Approach
ISBN 9780073129068 , 2007 , Kenneth S. Bordens, Bruce Barrington Abbott
Us and Them in Modern Societies: ethnicity and Nationalism in Mauritius, Trinidad and Beyond
ISBN 9788200215509 , 1992 , Thomas Hylland Eriksen, Geir Thomas H. Eriksen
Cultural attitudes in psychological perspective
ISBN 9780919123182 , 1984 , Joseph L. Henderson
The Strategy Process: Concepts, Contexts, Cases
ISBN 9780131227903 , 2003 , Henry Mintzberg, James Brian Quinn,m.fl.