Søk: 'Comparative and International Research in Education'
Crosswords: Language, Education and Ethnicity in French Ontario
ISBN 9783110176872 , 2002 , Monica Heller
Human Services Technology: Innovations in Practice and Education
ISBN 9780789017017 , 2002 , Herman Resnick, Phoebe Sade Anderson, Hy Resnick
Education, globalization, and social change
ISBN 9780199272532 , 2006 , Hugh Lauder, Phillip Brown, Jo-Anne Dillabough,m.fl.
Theory and Research in Promoting Public Health
ISBN 9781849202299 , 2007 , Dr Sarah Earle, Moyra Sidell, Sue Spurr,m.fl.
Current Issues in Stuttering Research and Practice
ISBN 9780805852028 , 2005 , Nan Bernstein Ratner, John Tetnowski
Theory and Research in Promoting Public Health
ISBN 9781412930710 , 2007 , Sarah Earle, Moyra Sidell, Sue Spurr
Anthropology, History, and Education
ISBN 9780521452502 , 2007 , Immanuel Kant, Günter Zöller, Robert B. Louden
New Teacher Education for the Future: International Perspectives
ISBN 9789629490690 , 2001 , Yin Cheong Cheng, King Wai Chow, Kwok Tung Tsui
New Teacher Education for the Future: International Perspectives
ISBN 9789629490584 , 2001 , Yin Cheong Cheng, King Wai Chow, Kwok Tung Tsui
Methods in Behavioral Research
ISBN 9780073531816 , 2006 , Paul C. Cozby
Introducing Qualitative Research in Psychology
ISBN 9780335221158 , 2008 , Carla Willig
Teachers and Human Rights Education
ISBN 9781858563848 , 2010
Vygotsky and Research
ISBN 9780415395939 , 2008 , Harry Daniels
Comparative inquiry in politics and political economy: theories and issues
ISBN 9780813381527 , 1998
Research Methodologies in Translation Studies
ISBN 9781909485006 , 2013 , Gabriela Saldanha, Sharon O'Brien
Principles and Practice of Research in Midwifery
ISBN 9780443101946 , 2006 , Elizabeth R. Cluett
Human Rights in International Relations
ISBN 9781107629844 , 2012 , David P. Forsythe
Surveys in Social Research
ISBN 9780415268585 , 2001 , David de Vaus
Democracy in Latin America: Political Change in Comparative Perspective
ISBN 9780195157598 , 2005 , Peter Smith
Musical arts in Africa: theory, practice, and education
ISBN 9781868882793 , 2002 , Anri Herbst, Meki Nxewi
Analyzing Inequality: Life Chances and Social Mobility in Comparative Perspective
ISBN 9780804757577 , 2007 , Stefan Svallfors
The Brics and Emerging Economies in Comparative Perspective: Political Economy, Liberalization and Institutional Change
ISBN 9780415843508 , 2013 , Uwe Becker
Comparative Literature in an Age of Globalization
ISBN 9780801883804 , 2006 , Haun Saussy,m.fl.
Advances in Virus Research
ISBN 9780123785879 , 2009 , Karl Maramorosch, Aaron J. Shatkin,m.fl.
Borderline Case: International Tax Policy, Corporate Research and Development, and Investment
ISBN 9780309063685 , 1998 , National Academy of Sciences,m.fl.
Handbook on Globalization and Higher Education
ISBN 9780857937650 , 2013 , Roger King, Rajani Naidoo
Educational Research: Planning, Conducting and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research
ISBN 9781292021126 , 2013 , John W. Creswell
Critical Issues in Early Childhood Education
ISBN 9780335215966 , 2005 , Nicola Yelland
Women, Democracy, and Globalization in North America: A Comparative Study
ISBN 9781403970886 , 2006
Principles of Comparative Politics
ISBN 9781608716791 , 2012 , William Roberts Clark, Matthew R. Golder