Søk: 'Crisis Management: Planning for the Inevitable'
Karaoke Capitalism: Management For Mankind
ISBN 9780273687474 , 2004 , Kjell A. Nordström, Jonas Ridderstråle
Operations Management for Competitive Advantage
ISBN 9780071215558 , 2004 , Nicholas J. Aquilano, Richard B. Chase,m.fl.
The Kennedy Tapes: Inside the White House During the Cuban Missile Crisis
ISBN 9780393322590 , 2002 , Philip Zelikow, Ernest R. May
Capacity planning for Web performance: metrics, models, and methods
ISBN 9780136938224 , 1998 , Daniel A. Menasce, Virgílio A. F. Almeida
Crisis and crossfire: the United States and the Middle East since 1945
ISBN 9781574888201 , 2005 , Peter L. Hahn
The Ethics of Management
ISBN 9780071263566 , 2007 , LaRue Tone Hosmer
The Crisis of Islam: Holy War and Unholy Terror
ISBN 9780753817520 , 2004 , Bernard Lewis
Crisis: The Anatomy of Two Major Foreign Policy Crises
ISBN 9780743249119 , 2004 , Henry A. Kissinger
Accounting for Management Decisions
ISBN 9780133088182 , 1996 , Stuart Turley, John Floyd Arnold
Project Management: The managerial process
ISBN 9780071289290 , 2010 , Clifford F. Gray, Erik W. Larson
Environmental Management for Sustainable Development
ISBN 9780415365352 , 2006 , Christopher J. Barrow
Project management for information systems
ISBN 9780273685807 , 2004 , Don Yeates, James. Cadle, Donald. Yeates
The Impact of Tax Legislation on Corporate Income Security Planning for Retirees
ISBN 9780815305071 , 1991 , Ruth Ylvisaker Winger
AutoCAD for Interior Design and Space Planning: Using AutoCAD 2006
ISBN 9780131714045 , 2006 , Beverly L. Kirkpatrick, James M. Kirkpatrick
Health Promotion: Planning and Strategies
ISBN 9780761974482 , 2004 , Jackie Green, Keith Tones
Health Promotion: Planning and Strategies
ISBN 9780761974499 , 2004 , Jackie Green, Keith Tones
Tourism Planning: Basecs, Concepts, Cases
ISBN 9780415932691 , 2002
The Crisis of Islam: Holy War and Unholy Terror
ISBN 9780297645481 , 2003 , Bernard Lewis
The Anti-Development State: The Political Economy of Permanent Crisis in the Philippines
ISBN 9781842776315 , 2005 , Walden F. Bello, Marissa De Guzman,m.fl.
Accommodation Management: Perspectives for the International Hotel Industry
ISBN 9781861524898 , 1999 , Roy C. Wood, Constantinos S. Verginis
Leisure Program Planning and Delivery
ISBN 9780736057332 , 2007 , Ruth V. Russell, Lynn Marie Jamieson,m.fl.
Practical Research: Planning and Design
ISBN 9780131247208 , 2005 , Jeanne Ellis Ormrod, Paul D. Leedy
The Rules of Management: A Definitive Code for Managerial Success
ISBN 9780273735731 , 2011
An Introduction to Revenue Management For The Hospitality Industry: Principles and Practices for the Real World
ISBN 9780131885899 , 2008 , Kimberly A. Tranter, Trevor Stuart-Hill,m.fl.
ISBN 9780273787020 , 2013 , Stephen P. Robbins, Mary K. Coulter
Care Work in Crisis: Reclaiming the Nordic Ethos of Care
ISBN 9789144052533 , 2008 , Sirpa Wrede, Lea Henriksson
An institutional framework for policymaking: planning and population dispersal in Israel
ISBN 9780739115510 , 2007 , Matt Evans
Framework for Marketing Management: Global Edition
ISBN 9780273752516 , 2011 , Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller
The Great Financial Crisis in Finland and Sweden: The Nordic Experience of Financial Liberalization
ISBN 9781848443051 , 2009 , Lars Jonung, Pentti Vartia
Guidelines on Social Analysis: For Rural Area Development Planning
ISBN 9789251034392 , 1994 , m.fl.